Chapter 13

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I was waiting at Tzuyu on the Han river. Just reminiscing the past when me and Tzuyu were kids back in the roof of our house in Tainan. 

Flashback to 2010 New Years Eve

Y/N: Tzuyu ah, this place looks nice

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Y/N: Tzuyu ah, this place looks nice. We should make a wish and our new years resolutions in this place.

Tzuyu: (screams) I WANT TO BE AN IDOL.


Flashback Ends

Ah good old days I think to myself. Ever since Tzuyu left for South Korea to be an idol and I left for United Kingdom to pursue my racing career, we have never had these moments where we spend together alone. We used to be very close but I guess age and our differences separated us. Now the only time we really see each other is when we call our parents every weekend and when we visit our parents in Taiwan during Chinese New Year.

If I'm honest, when she asked if I want to hangout today I thought she wanted to reconnect with me. I hope me and her reconnects because even though I moved to Seoul to be closer to her, we are still very far away from each other feelings wise. These past years feels like I have lost Chou Tzuyu as my younger sister. Whilst deep in thought, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over and......

Y/N: Hey Tzuyu, how are y-


Y/N: What the f- was that for?


Tzuyu: You don't get to talk back after what you done.

Y/N: What did I do?


Tzuyu: Don't pretend you didn't know what you done to Sana. Don't talk back to me or else I'll slap you again.

Y/N: Tzuyu hear me out first.

Tzuyu: If you are going to tell me that dispatch only released the news for clickbait I am going to slap you again.

Y/N: Ok I know, it doesn't look good on your side and I probably broke Sana's heart. I was heartbroken too when I first broke up with Sana. But then the collaboration from Mercedes and BLACKPINK got me close with Jennie and after knowing her closer, I found out she's a really really nice girl, she took care of me when I was sick. I need someone to take care of me. I did want to wait for Sana but sometimes these things can't wait...... Especially when mom and dad are pressuring me to find a girlfriend (mumbles).

I deliberately mumbled the last part of my explanation, and was expecting Tzuyu to slap me again from the shadows I saw she was prepared as she raised her hand. I prepared myself for another slap in the face but then......

Tzuyu: Mom and dad what?

Y/N: You know...... Mom and dad just pressuring me to find a girlfriend. I am the elder one and you know how traditional mom and dad are about their son getting married. Tzuyu you are still young mom and dad doesn't care about your relationships yet, but they do care about mine. Every time I talk to mom and dad they always ask me if I found a girlfriend yet. I can't just tell them that I am waiting for Sana to have her dating ban lifted. How do you think they would react if they hear that.

Tzuyu POV

I was going to slap him but I just can't slap him. Growing up I know how much mom and dad pressured us. They wanted us to be successful in school, get the best grades and find a good job. They were very disappointed when we decided to become a racing driver and an idol respectively. Especially when all our cousins are successful lawyers and architects. I mean I can't slap him when Y/N was being pressured by our parents, but I am still mad at what he did to Sana.


After that I ran away from him, not knowing how to react. I just slapped my older brother. Chou Tzuyu why did you slap your brother. What he's done is wrong but he is still your older brother nevertheless, you can't just slap your older brother. What if he tells mom about it, if he does go tell mom, then I am in big trouble. Many things are going through my mind right now as I take my ride back to the dorm.


Phew, that was close. She was literally going to slap me again but thank god I used mom and dad as an excuse. It always works even when we were younger since she is always scared of mom and dad.

If I'm honest, this wasn't how I imagined this night and how my new year is going to work. Getting slapped by your younger sister in the first day of the year. I was hoping that she wanted to reconnect and bring back to the good old days when we were kids, but now she said she doesn't want to see me again. Oh god what happens if she asks mom and dad if they were pressuring me to find a girlfriend, she's going to find out that this is a big lie and definitely going to hate me for life. This was honestly not how I pictured how my relationship with my sister is going to go. Oh god I am not looking forward to Chinese New Year this year when I have to see her again, if I am invited. Ugh Y/N what a year this has been and it's only the first day.

Sana POV

I was sitting on the sofa, still very sad and processing what I read this morning on Koreaboo. The members keep telling me that I need to forget Y/N and that it's not worth dwelling on him anymore but I just can't. I don't even know what time it is now when the front door opened.

Sana: Eh, Tzuyu?

Tzuyu: Sana unnie? Why are you still up this late?

Sana: When did you go out?

Tzuyu: I went to meet Y/N.

Sana: Really? How did it go.

Tzuyu: I slapped him.

Sana: Why did you do that?

Tzuyu: I don't know, my instinct just came in and told me to slap him after how he broke your heart.

At this point I hugged her. I don't know why but I felt like my sadness eased off a bit knowing that Tzuyu really cares about me and is on my side even though Y/N is his older brother. At that moment I felt that Tzuyu is my sister, I've never had a sister before so it felt nice to have someone stand up for me when someone just broke my heart. 

Tzuyu POV

I slowly and gently pulled off Sana unnie's hug, I don't deserve it. Not after what I did to my older brother Y/N. It was wrong, he is older than me and he protected me a lot when I was young and this is how I repay him? By slapping him? Even though I stood up for Sana, and I know I had to knock some sense into Y/N, this is not the correct way to do it. My heart is so conflicted right now. Part of me knows what I did was right but then again, all of me knows what I did was wrong and should be using another method to knock some sense into Y/N. 

How am I supposed to face him during Chinese New Year......

And that's another chapter done. I left you at a big cliffhanger and that felt great to me. Once again thanks for all the support and keep on voting for this book. I have gained a lot of supporters and readers lately and the more reads I get the more I want to update this book as soon as possible.  

Big thanks to ImaSimp4TWICE for giving me free motivation to update this chapter as soon as possible

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