Chapter 24

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It's been a few months since me and Sana started dating again and this time we have been keeping a low profile to avoid attention. Today is the day of the MAMA awards 2018 and Sana said I should stop by the JYP building so we can discuss this relationship with JYP since her dating ban is over.

Currently I am heading towards the JYP building about to meet JYP. I don't know why but I feel very nervous right now. It feels like meeting the parents of my girlfriend even though JYP is only the boss of Sana. 

Arriving at the JYP building, I headed directly to the top floor which is where JYP's office is located in. Feeling very nervous I wasn't really aware of what is happening around me as I entered the lift. Even when someone was screaming telling me to hold the lift door for them. The door was closing until someone's hands hold onto the lift door. I looked up.

Y/N: Sana?

Sana: Oppa hello (smiles and hugs you).

Y/N: Where are you going?

Sana: Huh? We are going to meet JYP to discuss our relationship and then go to the MAMA awards. Did u forget (laughs).

Y/N: Oh yes sorry I forgot.

Sana: Nervous?

Y/N: Yea it feels like meeting your parents for the first time.

Sana: Haha since when does Y/N know what nervous is? Just be yourself. PD nim is a nice person.

That quick chat in the lift didn't help ease my nerves. Sana must have felt how nervous I was with my body language as she grabbed my hands trying to calm me down. As the lift continues to go up my heart continues to beat faster. After all, JYP was the one who broke us up few years ago. As the lift arrived the top floor, Sana grabbed me to exit the lift pretty much against my will.

Sana: Come on you need to stop being so nervous (smiles).

Y/N: How can I not he could break us up again.

Sana: Trust me PD nim is a nice person I'm sure he likes you too.

As we enter JYP's office I got more and more nervous. My heart kept beating faster. I never had this feeling before, why am I so nervous. Suddenly, the secretary called us in. Oh god I don't like this feeling.

JYP: Hello Sana, you got something you want to say to me?

Sana: Yes sir, I just want you to meet my new boyfriend (smiles). 

Why can Sana be so chilled and calm during this situation. Did she forget who broke us apart last time and shattered her heart?

JYP: Oh sure who is it?

Sana: You remember Y/N?

JYP: Of course how can I not. The boy who you were head over heels for a few years ago. I'm glad you guys are finally together now.

Sana: See Y/N I told you everything is going to be ok (smiles).

JYP: Don't be nervous kid. Last time I had to break you up because of contract rules but now Sana is free to date anyone.

Y/N: Thank you sir. I will make sure I take good care of her.

JYP: Of course kid. I trust you but I'm not her dad so you don't have to tell me dad. By the way, I'm a big fan of yours. I wanted to ask Sana for your autograph a but I don't want to bring up any memories from her.

Y/N: Thank you for your support sir. I will send a signed helmet over to you then.

Sana: If there is nothing, we should head to the MAMA award ceremony then.

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