Chapter 41

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A few months later


It has been a few months after me and Sana got back together. The past few months I have been really happy, my feelings for Sana have all came back. Sana said that we should forget about the time that we were separated because she wants us to forget all the sad memories and have a fresh start. 

If the previous encounters haven't confirmed my feelings yet, the past few months has definitely confirmed my feelings. Sana is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I really love her and I can feel that she really loves me back too. I really want to make her mine legally, so I have decided that I will ask her to marry me today.

I have this whole thing planned, I got my old friends from Ferrari to help me and Charles Leclerc onboard. They have shipped one of the older cars to AMG Everland Speedway where Charles will write out the words in tyre marks while I propose to her on the the helicopter over looking the track. It will be very romantic, at least in my mind it was.

Now that was the plan sorted, I just need to get Sana onboard. I am going to take her out on a nice date and then hopefully get her onboard with this helicopter ride thing saying that we could have a romantic helicopter ride overlooking the beautiful city of Seoul.

Time Skip After the Date

The date went on very smoothly, we had some nice food and enjoyed each other's presence. We were both very happy that we are finally together again.

Sana: Thanks for planning the date, I was really happy. 

I was supposed to take Sana home but I am currently driving towards the wrong direction, heading to Incheon Airport where the chartered helicopter will be waiting for me. Sana was clearly confused about why we are heading the wrong way which was pretty funny because she looks cute in this confused expression.

Sana POV

Y/N was supposed to be taking me back to the dorm but why is he driving completely towards the wrong direction. This way is going out of town instead of heading into town where the dorm is located. I looked at the roadsigns and we are heading towards the city of Incheon, why is he taking me to Incheon. I was so confused and I need to ask him about this, I told my members that I will be back after lunch and if I don't go back soon they will be worried, especially Jihyo.

Sana: Where are we going (confused).

Y/N: I just want to take a journey with you. Nothing bothering us, just me and you.

We arrived at Incheon Airport and somehow, he drove inside the airport ground too. They usually don't let normal people inside the airport with their car.

Sana: Y/N, Why are we at the airport?

Y/N: Come on let's get on the helicopter, I've planned a surprise for you and I want to take you on a helicopter ride over Seoul looking down at this beautiful city.

Since I have never been on a helicopter ride before I got on and was very excited. Even though we travel a lot with Twice, I have never been on a helicopter before. The next best thing I have been on was a private jet. 

During the helicopter ride, I kept quiet mainly because we were both wearing noise cancellation headphones to avoid the engine noises. I kept looking out the window and Y/N was right, the city was beautiful. This is not only calm but very enjoyable, I have never seen anything like this before. 

I continued to look out the window, as we headed once again away from the city. Maybe this journey is nearing the end. I really liked this surprise that Y/N gave me, it made me feel relaxed and special. Overlooking the city in a helicopter was something I never thought I would do. Still on the helicopter, I spotted a race track, I didn't know there was a race track near Seoul I looked down at the race track there was a car doing some circles making a lot of smoke. Maybe there was a race going on. 

Once the smoke cleared on the race track, I could not believe what I saw. The driver has used his car to write out a sentence and the sentence was something I never thought it could be done. It says "WILL YOU MARRY ME" what a proposal that was, that girl must be really lucky to have a boyfriend propose in that way. Wait why is the helicopter going down, what is happening? I thought we were heading back to Incheon Airport so Y/N can finally take me home. I guess that wasn't happening because the helicopter landed on the race track. What is happening now?

Y/N got off the helicopter and guided me off the helicopter too. Oh my god is Y/N going to propose to me? Is that all planned by him? I should have known something that is related to cars and race track was a sign of him proposing to me. 

Y/N: Sana did you enjoy the surprise?

Sana: Yes I really did.

Y/N: Actually there's one more surprise I have......

After saying that, Y/N got down on his knees with a ring in his hand. Oh my god this is happening, finally Y/N is proposing to me. I have waited for this moment for a long time. I mean every girl wants a very romantic proposal but Y/N is different, he put romantic and race cars together to set this proposal up. I think I'm going to cry.

Y/N: Sana, after all we have been through I realised that the person whom I truly love is you. I want the first person I see if you when I wake up every morning, and the last person I see before I go to bed at night to be you. I never want to lose you again and I want to make you legally mine. Sana Minatozaki, will you marry me and be my wife?

What sweet words that came from Y/N, my heart was so happy that he went through all this planning to propose to me. I never pictured myself in this situation, a proposal at a race track, it was truly different compared to what I always imagined. I also saw my members coming out of no where and Charles Leclerc coming out of the car joining the party.

Charles Leclerc: What are you waiting for, just say yes.

Twice: SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't realise I was holding everyone up and wasting time. I quickly nodded with tears forming in my eyes. Y/N put the ring over my finger and I gave him a kiss and a big hug. I was really happy that Y/N put that much effort into his proposal, but if I am honest, I love so much that he could have done it very cheaply and I would have still said yes.

Y/N: I love you Sana.

Sana: I love you too.

On the way home, I can't stop but smiling to myself. Y/N just proposed to me, that means I am going to be his wife, Mrs. Chou in the future. This day can't get any better until I thought of something. What about our respective lives and jobs? We need to think about how all the onces will react to this.

Sana: Y/N what about our onces, and our jobs.

Y/N: That is a problem for another day. Let's just enjoy this moment.

Finally Y/N and Sana are engaged. How will Jennie react to this news? Will she come back and destroy the wedding? Find out in the next few chapters. 

The voting for what the ending of this book has ended as there are less than 10 chapters before the end of the book. Thank you everyone for voting and you will have to find out Y/N's fate by continue reading this book.

Anyways, a little update on me, it's prom day so I published this chapter really early in the day. If I have time later, I will update another chapter tonight again. I need to go get ready and I will see you guys after prom. 

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