Chapter 35

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Today is the day, the day I sign this driver for Haas F1 Team. It was bothering me how Jennie know someone who is looking for an F1 drive and has a super license. According to Jennie, this driver participated in two seasons of Formula 2 to earn his super license. I was wondering who this driver would be. Could be Marino Sato or Nobuharu Matsushita. Anyways, that doesn't matter, as long as I have a driver signed for Haas so they could complete their 2021 Formula season lineup I would have completed my job. 

Arriving at the cafe in Conrad Hotel, I was greeted by Jennie who led me to two businessmen and a very young blonde kid. I assume that young blonde kid is the driver in question. He looks very familiar, I think I have seen him somewhere before. I tried to remember where I saw him but I just can't, every time I tried to remember something from the past, I just end up getting a headache, so it's better I don't try and remember anything at all and trust Jennie. I assume I have met him in the paddock before given that he has been in Formula 2 previously for two seasons.

Y/N: Hello, I'm Y/N and I'm here to discuss the second Haas F1 drive for 2021.

Nikita Mazepin: Hi, yes I'm Nikita Mazepin. Finished 6th in the 2020 F2 Championship. Here's my CV.

Dimitry Mazepin: I'm Nikita's dad and this is my lawyer Aleksandr.

Y/N: Right let's get started, I've scheduled an online meeting with team boss Guenther Steiner and we could discuss the details.

Nikita Mazepin, his name sounds really familiar. But I think that was just because he was in Formula 2 for two seasons so I've heard of his name somewhere. Anyways, I need to go on that meeting with Guenther.

Gunether Steiner: Hello Y/N, how are you?

Y/N: I'm good, I'm currently with the driver that could potentially get a drive for us in 2021, and I have just emailed his CV and the contract terms over to you.

Guenther Steiner: Brilliant I'll have a look through it.

Y/N: No worries I'll get started with the negotiations with the driver.

Aleksandr: Ok, so here's the terms that my client want from your team.

I looked over the terms. It sounds fair, one year deal with an option with an extra year of renewal option depending on the performance of the first team. Also a 730k per year contract sounds fair and affordable for a team like Haas. 

Dimitry Mazepin: Also I would like to add a clause that I would be sponsoring the team so I want my company's logo on the car.

Guenther Steiner: Right, I've had a look at the terms and they seems fair. We do need a title sponsor for the team too so we could discuss that in the near future. 

Dimitry Mazepin: No worries.

Guenther Steiner: So Nikita, welcome to the team.

Nikita Mazepin: Thank you very much for the opportunity.

After shaking hands and sorting out all the stuff like signing the contract

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After shaking hands and sorting out all the stuff like signing the contract. I went over to thank Jennie for sorting this out for me. Even though I don't know why is she helping me or how did she become my girlfriend. She have helped me a lot and it is always nice to have someone that I can trust and rely on.

Y/N: Hey Jennie, thanks for sorting this out for me, you have helped me a lot.

Jennie: No problem, you are my boyfriend and I will always be by your side.

Y/N: Thanks Jennie, you are the only one I can trust and rely on.

Jennie POV

After Y/N left, I went over to Nikita to collect my part of the pay. After all, I was the one who set up this so he can finally get an F1 drive so I deserve this.

Nikita Mazepin: Thanks Jennie for sorting this out for me.

Dimitry Mazepin: Here's your cheque, thank you very much.

Jennie: It's a pleasure doing business with you.

This was almost too easy, I just earned 200k US Dollars by getting Nikita Mazepin the Formula 1 seat for the upcoming season. I have Y/N's all trust and I am earning money through his trust without him knowing it. Some people might call me evil, but in truth I don't care. Y/N owes me this anyways for leaving me in the first place. People just doesn't mess with Jennie Kim and people who messes with me pays for it. I should look for other ways that I can earn money off Y/N. Maybe I could try and find him some sponsor and endorsements since he's quite famous and then take half of his earnings since, or even better just ask for his bank account details so I can take all the money in his bank account. I need to do this quickly, because Y/N is bound to remember something in the future and once he get his memory back, I won't have his trust.


I went back home and I was greeted by my mom. I am now living with my mom and my sister because she said she wants to take care of me for a while as I was hospitalised. They are always saying that living with me is to get my memory back. I don't really know what they were talking about but I just shrug it off.

Y/N: Hi mom, I'm back from work.

Mom: Where did you go?

Y/N: I was just discussing contract terms with a driver.

Mom: Oh who is this driver.

Y/N: Jennie recommended him to me. He's called Nikita Mazepin.

Mom: Nice darling, are you hungry? Put you clothes in the wash.

Y/N: No mom. I'm good.

I was emptying my pockets when suddenly a photo fell out from my wallet. It was a photo of me and some random girl. I don't know who that girl was, but that girl wasn't Jennie. After seeing that photo, my head starts hurting, I tried to shake it off but I think I am remembering stuff. I asked my mom.

Y/N: Mom who is this girl.

Mom: This girl is......

I'll just leave you here. Who is that girl in the photo that Y/N kept inside his waller. 

Please continue to vote and continue reading this book. This book is coming to an end and I really hope to finish this book as soon as possible but don't worry I will not rush the ending of this book.

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