Chapter 25

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I was thinking about where should I hide for the upcoming few months as I am convinced that all the paparazzi and fans are going to be swamped around my apartment. Doing this long distance relationship is the best thing for us both and our respective privacy. It sure won't be easy but to prevent any scandals from rising, I have to leave Seoul for a bit. I am now making a phone call to my other fellow F1 driver and good friend while booking a flight to London.

???: Hello bro, what's up Y/N.

Y/N: Alex I need your help.

Alex Albon: Sure what's up mate.

Y/N: Well I need a place to stay for a few months and I'm coming to London, long story, can I stay at your place?

Alex Albon: Sure mate when are you coming over.

Y/N: My flight leaves tomorrow morning.

Alex Albon: Ok cool, send me your flight details and I'll pick you up.

The next morning, I got onto the car and headed towards Incheon Airport with Sana and Tzuyu. They are coming with me to see me off because I don't know when will I see them next time. Sana was clinging onto me the whole way, I can tell she is sad. If I am honest I am not in the happiest of mood too during the ride. The whole journey was quiet as Sana just clings onto me without saying a word.

As we arrived to the airport, we quickly dealt with the check in stuff quickly as a way to get away from the attention and headed to the lounge directly so we could have some food and a final goodbye chat.

Sana: Do you really have to go (puppy eyes)?

Y/N: Sana we discussed this, it's for the better of us both.

Sana: I'm going to miss you (pouts).

Y/N: Me too (sad).

Tzuyu: Whoever did this is going to pay for it.

Sana: Have you got everything you need?

Y/N: Think so, if not I'll buy it over there. I know England pretty well.

Sana was clearly disappointed with me leaving. To be fair, I didn't want this as well but sometimes things just happens in life that you don't want. I'm not hoping to get revenge towards whoever exposed my apartment location but I just wanted to live a happy life without any fans being annoying.

With the quick chat completed, it was time for me to board the plane. Sana kept clinging onto me towards the restricted area and was unwilling to let go.

Y/N: Sana I need to go.

Sana: Don't go please Y/N (pouts).

Y/N: Sana let's not make this difficult.

Sana: Promise me you will call at least once everyday.

Y/N: I promise I will call you whenever I have time, and even when I don't have time.

Sana: Bye and remember to call me when I'm there (sobs).

Y/N: Bye Sana, I will come back as soon as possible.

Sana: Bye Y/N, call me when you get there.

Y/N: I will Sana, take care.

Sana: You take care too Y/N (sobs).

Just like that, we said our goodbyes. I gave Sana one last hug and turned around and headed to border control. With that I made sure to never look back. I know it's tough and inside I was crying but like last time, I can't afford to cry in front of Sana. I need to stay strong for her. Part of me feels like this was not the best decision but another part of me thinks if we could survive this test then our relationship will be unbreakable.

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