Chapter 4

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Back in Seoul

Sana POV

We are now back in Seoul when travelling back to the dorm. I was scrolling through the news when I saw an article which caught my eye.

 I was scrolling through the news when I saw an article which caught my eye

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After seeing that article, I panicked. Hoping that nobody saw that article especially JYP and the managers didn't see this article. Because if they saw it I would definitely be dead. I don't want to lose my job just because of this one article. I was about to have a mini heart attack when my phone rang.

Sana: Hello?

Manager: Sana, are you back in Seoul now?

Sana: Yes I have just came back and I am on my way back to the dorm.

Manager: Can you come to JYP building first?

Sana: Ok I will come.

After telling the driver to take me to JYP building. I continued to panic. Why am I going to the JYP building and not back to the dorm? I thought we have a short winter break before our Christmas schedules. Does my manager knows about my relationship with Y/N? Does JYP knows about my relationship with Y/N? What is happening I don't want to get in trouble. 

Many thoughts are going through my mind right now. I didn't really know what happened next.

Suddenly I was in the JYP office meeting the JYP himself. I was so scared, my legs are shaking, whole body is trembling. What is going to happen? I don't know JYP looks mad and why is my manager and Y/N there too? What is happening? 

JYP: So Sana, I heard you have been dating this guy called Y/N?

Sana: Ummm, yes sir.

JYP: You know you have a dating ban right?

Y/N: Sir may I just speak here? I love Sana with all my heart and I know she loves me a lot too. We have never been happier together and throughout the time that we were together, I knew from her eyes that she was happy and enjoying every moment we are spending together. I am sure that both me and Sana cherish this relationship a lot. About that dating ban, yes she has broke a rule in her contract, but I don't care if you terminate her contract or not. Kick her out of Twice, I will take care of her for the rest of my life. I rest my case sir.

JYP: Sana is this true? Are you happy with him?

I can't speak right now, my mind is blank and still processing what Y/N just said. Did he mean every word he said? How sweet is he. I can't respond to JYP I was so shocked and at the same time very happy that Y/N said that he will take care of me for the rest of my life. I can only nod to JYP who was sitting waiting for my response.

 I can only nod to JYP who was sitting waiting for my response

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The room was silent. Nobody was speaking. JYP was looking at me while deep in thought. The atmosphere was very tense and it was making me nervous. Suddenly someone spoke up.

JYP: Well if that's the case, I'll allow the relationship and tell the press that the dating ban has been lifted due to the success of Twice in the past year. PD Nim is not a selfish man and he understands young love. 

I was tearing up a little bit after that and especially very emotional about what Y/N said to PD Nim. It was so heart warming and PD Nim allowing our relationship made me want to jump around in joy.

But suddenly......

Cliff hanger lol. Double update today because school is starting next week and I still haven't completed any holiday homework at all.

Once again please vote for this book. Comment on what you think about the story and my writing style. Advertise this book amongst your friends. I know this chapter is a bit short but hope you still enjoyed it. 

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