Chapter 11

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The ride home was fairly quiet. I didn't really wanted to talk to Jennie that much cause I am very scared that what I dreamt of is going to happen. Jennie kept asking me general questions about my life and the life of being a racing driver. She seems to be very interested in what I do, if I'm honest my job is quite similar to hers so I don't know why she wants to know that much about my job. Both of our jobs requires a lot of travelling, going to the gym and keeping fit. The only difference is that she performs on stage and I drive cars at a very high speed. The questions she was asking wasn't really creeping me out but somehow in my mind it is really making me scared that she is going to do something to me. 

Once we arrived at my house, we both got off the car. I slowly walked towards my apartment, legs shaking, my whole body doesn't want me to move. I'm trying to look my best cause I don't want Jennie to know that I'm scared of her even though inside I was very very afraid. 

Jennie: Y/N, are you ok?

Y/N: Y...yeah. I'm f.....fine.

Jennie: You don't look fine.

I opened the door, suddenly I think I have a headache, what is happening to me right now. Am I really that scared of Jennie that it's making me sick? I walked into the apartment closed the door and opened my mouth to say.

Y/N: Welcome to my h-


Jennie POV


Oh my god! What just happened, Y/N just fell on the ground. Did he just fainted, I knew he didn't look that good during the whole journey to his house. What should I do, he's big and strong while I'm just a little girl. Do I just let him lay here on the ground? Maybe visiting his house wasn't a good idea at all.

I touched his forehead and he's burning, he's got a fever no wonder why he's fainted. I had no choice but to use whatever strength I had to take him to the bedroom. Because I couldn't pick him up and carry him, I decided to drag him towards the sofa I hope he doesn't mind that. Well it's not like that he will know anyways. I tried to lift him onto the sofa but he is too heavy for me to lift so I'll just leave him there.

I'll admit that this wasn't part of my plan. My plan was go to his house and confess to him while he's conscious and give him some aegyo so he can't reject my cuteness. But I guess I'll just have to change my plans. 

I mean this isn't all that bad, I could take this chance to show the good wife side of me. I'm going to cook him some soup to make him feel better. Yes I will do just that. 

First I took a towel from his bathroom and then soaked it with some cold water then put it on his forehead hoping that his fever goes away. Then I started snooping around his kitchen hoping that he's got some stuff to cook a soup.

 Then I started snooping around his kitchen hoping that he's got some stuff to cook a soup

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After cooking his soup, I decided to explore his house for a bit before he wakes up.


I woke up with a big headache. Wait why can't I see anything, this was just like my dream. I was put to bed and then suddenly when I woke up I was blindfolded. I tried to move, oh I can move thank god. Oh there was a wet towel covering my eyes that's why I was blindfolded. As if just on cue Jennie came out from nowhere and start speaking.

Jennie: Good you're awake.

Y/N: What happened, why am I on the floor?

Jennie: You fainted and fell on the floor.

Y/N: Oh well then thanks for staying with me.

Jennie: It's ok I can't just leave you lying on the floor, here I cooked some soup for you. You will feel better if you drink this.

I hesitated if I wanted to drink that soup. Jennie still haunts me a bit at this moment, what if she put something in her soup that will make me pass out again? But I should still drink it because I felt a bit dehydrated and I definitely need some water. 

I took a sip and......

Y/N: Wow that's good Jennie, didn't know you can cook.

Jennie: Of course. There are other stuff that I can do that you don't know (whispers).

Y/N: What?

Jennie: Nothing, I'm glad that you enjoy it.

Y/N: Whoever gets to be your boyfriend will be lucky.

Jennie: That's you hot stuff (mumbles).

Y/N: What did you say?

Stupid Jennie, pretending that I didn't hear that. I heard that you want me to be your boyfriend. Actually coming to think of it, it might have just been me thinking weird stuff about Jennie, maybe she is a nice girl after all and I should give her a shot.

Jennie: Ok now that you felt better, I'm going back home. My members are home anyways.

Y/N: Jennie wait.

Jennie: What's up.

As she turned around, I pulled her close to me into a hug. This was pure lust, my emotions took over me and did that to me. Once I had her in my arms. I said.

Y/N: Stay and be my girlfriend.

Jennie POV

Y/N pulled me into a hug. Wait did Y/N just asked me to be his girlfriend? Inside myself I am smiling like a little child, but outside I have to keep my cool. 

Jennie: You want me to be your girlfriend?

Y/N: Yes Jennie, they way you took care of me while I was sick today made me know that I need a girl like you to take care of me. Please be my girlfriend.

Jennie: Haha I know you can't resist me.

After that I stayed the night at Y/N's apartment, I told my members that I will be staying outside. We went to bed that night in each other's arms cuddling and......

Well, I will let you imagine what Y/N and Jennie did that night yourself 😂 

Double update today because this and the previous chapter was supposed to be one chapter but that was too long so I split it in two. 

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