Chapter 21

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Tzuyu POV

Finally it's a new year. A fresh start, all the problems of the past year stays at the previous year. New year, new start, new me. I woke up very early this morning, like I usually do and did my morning routine. Maybe the new me for this year I should be nice to my members. I will prepare the first breakfast this year for my members. 

I went to the living room to set up the table and turned on the the TV to watch the morning news which is showing how other places celebrate the New Year with fireworks. I like to watch this stuff because I get to experience other celebratory cultures without having to leave home. I was watching how Berlin celebrated their New Year until a breaking news came on from dispatch. Oh this should be about this year's New Year couple. I wonder who it was. 

Well, new year new me new start but same problems

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Well, new year new me new start but same problems. I nearly forgot about this stupid Jennie problem that my brother is suffering. Now this is very interesting. About a month ago, Jennie announced her breakup with Y/N and now dispatch announces that they are the 2018 New Year couple. Something is definitely going on behind Jennie. Then I saw Nayeon unnie came to the living room while talking to I assume is Jennie on the phone. They were talking about meeting at the karaoke room later. Maybe I could tag along and try and get Jennie to speak the truth.

Tzuyu: Happy New Year Nayeon unnie.

Nayeon: Oh happy new year Tzuyu.

Tzuyu: Who are you going to the karaoke room tonight.

Nayeon: Just Jennie, you want to come along?

Tzuyu: Sure more people means more fun.

That was easy, Nayeon unnie just allowed me to go to a party with her and Jennie later. I think I need to ask another member who could take care of us in case the party goes out of hand. Out of nowhere Jihyo unnie appears. She could be the chaperone to this party. 

Jihyo: Happy new year everyone.

Tzuyu: Nayeon unnie and I are going to a party tonight, unnie can you come too in case we drink too much?

Jihyo: Aigoo, you always want me to be the responsible one.

Nayeon: That's because you are our leader. 

Jihyo: I don't have a choice right?

Time skip to later the night

Nayeon POV

Currently we are in a karaoke room, Tzuyu and Jennie are just drinking like mad. Tzuyu kept forcing Jennie to drink while pretending to drink the same amount as Jennie. This evil maknae, wonder what is the problem with her and Jennie, she doesn't seem to like her at all. Well at least I don't have to be the bad person and make Jennie drink a lot of random drinks.

I looked over to Jihyo who was just singing very loudly alone. I guess she doesn't need the microphone because that just made things worse and it is making my ears bleed. Out of the noises, Tzuyu managed to shout something.


Wow this was very unlike Tzuyu. She is usually the least fun when it comes to this, guess alcohol really does something and brings the fun out of someone. Then I looked over to Jennie who probably doesn't even know what was going on and was probably too drunk to know what she's saying but just not drunk enough to not say anything. This is a really good time to find out the truth if Y/N is really gay.

Tzuyu spun the bottle and almost on cue, the bottle landed directly pointing and Jennie. I need to think about how to ask Jennie the question without being direct so she won't suspect anything. While I was thinking, Tzuyu already beat me to asking the question.

Tzuyu: Why did you lie to the news about Y/N being gay?

We were all looking at Jennie, expecting her not to answer this question but fortunately to us she did.

Jennie: Y/N is just a toy to me (hiccup), after I dumped him he didn't even call or (hiccup) text me and I need him to know that he messed with the (hiccup) wrong person (hiccup). 

Tzuyu POV

This Jennie, she's such a bossy girl. Using Y/N as a toy and treating him like that. I was so mad at Jennie right now and I jumped onto her straddling her. I need to teach her a real lesson about messing with the Chou family. Jennie you are so dead. I was about to swing a punch on Jennie but as I was about to do that, someone was holding me back. I looked back and realised it was Jihyo.


Tzuyu: Unnie don't stop me I need to teach this b**** a lesson.

Jihyo: Stop, do you want to lose your job and be in prison for assault? I think you all had a bit too much to drink. Nayeon you and manager nim take Jennie home and I will take Tzuyu home. See you at the dorm.

Nayeon: Come on Jennie let's go.

After that, I went home with Jihyo unnie. Ugh why did she stop me from teaching Jennie a lesson. She is such a brat thinking that she can have everything go her way. I need to teach her that she is not the king of the world and she can't have everything she wants. The journey home was quite. Jihyo unnie was clearly unhappy about my actions and I didn't dare making a sound or she might scold me again. Finally we arrived home and was greeted by Momo who was in the living room eating a snack

Jihyo: Tzuyu go to your room and don't come out until you reflected on your actions.

Momo: Ehh? How was the karaoke?

I can't believe I was sent to my room by Jihyo unnie. This was the first time she did it to anyone of the members. I thought about my actions. Trying to beat up Jennie was definitely wrong and if the press get's this my career will be over. But Jennie deserved a good beating, and she is definitely too drunk to remember what happened. Hopefully the press doesn't get the details of this disaster. I just wanted to stand up for Y/N once after all the things he did for me when we were kids. After reflecting on my actions I went to bed.

Sorry guys for the late update. I just finished one of my exams and I have a few more after the Easter holiday so I will be updating less frequently. But please stay until the end I promise it will be worth it.

Also, I will write more about Y/N soon as I feel this last few chapters was all about what's happening around his life. But Y/N is currently lying low and he will make a return into the story soon.

Please don't forget to vote on this book and thanks for reaching 1k reads and 150 votes. This means a lot to me and gives me free motivation to continue writing.

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