Chapter 15

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Today is Chinese New Year. The day we go meet my family. However, me and Tzuyu haven't been talking to each other still. It has gone to the point where my mom and dad are suspicious that something happened between us. 

Currently, my dad is driving the whole family to meet our big family house in the rural district of Tainan. Me and Tzuyu are just sat at the back of car not speaking to each other doing our own thing pretending that we didn't exist in each other's mind. 

Dad: Ok I don't care what's going on with you two but please don't fight in front of the whole family please

My dad suddenly spoke up in the middle of all the silence

Once we arrived to our family home, most of the people were already there. It's always like this every year, we are always late to this party. As we entered grandma and grandpa greeted us.

Grandma and Grandpa: Hello Y/N and Tzuyu, my dear you guys are so big now.

Y/N and Tzuyu: Gong Xi Fa Cai, Shen Ti Jian Kang [Stay Healthy].

Since me and Tzuyu are the youngest of our generation, our grandparents adores us and always gives us the big red pockets much to our cousins' jealousy. Every time me and Tzuyu are here our cousins looks at us with the eye of hatred and jealousy. 

Dad: So is everyone here?

Uncle Dan: No, my daughter Leanne is a very busy girl. Her company just called her this morning and she will join us real soon.

Oh cousin Leanne. The big strong independent women. The lawyer of the family. The most successful academic among my generation. Me and Tzuyu both hated her with a passion, she's so arrogant because she always says that she earns the most money and is the most successful in her job. Always mocking me and Tzuyu for not having an university and masters degree. The classic Asian family comparisons.

Ding Dong

Uncle Dan: Must be Leanne.

Cousin Leanne: HELLO.

Grandpa and Grandma: There's my favourite grand child. 

Cousin Leanne: Sorry grandpa and grandma I'm late, work has been keeping me busy. I've got a big case coming up soon. I promise I will treat you to something good when I have free time.

Tzuyu POV

There she goes again, talking about herself. This narcissist is so self centred and thinks that the world goes around herself. she always sees me as a failure just because I am not a lawyer or a doctor. I really hate her.

Grandma: No worries, work is important. 

Leanne: Hey Y/N and Tzuyu, how are the youngest ones of our family doing? Got a job yet?

There she goes again, trying to show off that she earns big money and gave her mom and dad a good and glamorous lifestyle by trying to put us down. Just because grandpa and grandma adores me and Y/N and not her then she doesn't have to try and make me and Y/N not part of the family at all.

Y/N: Yeah I am a three time Formula One World Champion if you didn't know.

Leanne: Oh cool, what about Tzuyu. You working yet or still doing school? 

Tzuyu: You damn well know what I do.

Leanne: Oh yeah, silly me I forgot you dropped out of middle school so you could sing. When I was your age, I was working so hard at school lucky you you get to drop out.

WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY? At this point I wanted to beat her up so bad. I held my fist ready and but I just can't beat her in front of the whole family looking at us. I just smiled at her and walked away to the backyard to calm myself down.

Leanne: Well she's a bit rude walking away like that. Anyways Y/N you need to teach your sister how to be a strong independent women like me.

I was about to turn my head round and go shout at him. But before I could, Y/N already beat me to it so I just continued my walk to the backyard.


I was so mad after she said that to, how dare she say that Tzuyu is not a strong independent women. My brotherly instinct was kicking in telling me to forget about my sister hating me and defend her first.

Y/N: How dare you say that to my sister. Tzuyu is an idol and a very famous one. You know very well that she earns more than your annual income by just singing one song. You always think that me and Tzuyu are the losers of the family, the disappointment because we are middle school dropouts, but I'm telling you we are more successful and famous than you. So stop living in your own world and open your eyes.


After that, I walked out still fuming inside myself. But I felt great. It felt like something has been lifted off my shoulder. The grudge that that has been inside myself for a long time. I have been wanting to say that to him since he started working, now I finally have the chance and the bravery to and it really did felt great. When walking out to the backyard, I saw Tzuyu all sat by herself. I grabbed a can of soda and joined her.

Y/N: Hey Tzuyu (hands over the soda).


Y/N: Are you ok?

Silence again. When I was about to give up she suddenly ran to me and hugged me. I hear that she is sobbing. Has she been crying? I returned the hug patted her back and comforted her like when we were kids.

Tzuyu: Thank you Y/N (sobs).

Y/N: It's ok Tzuyu, you are my sister I always have to stand up for you.

Tzuyu: I'm sorry for slapping you. You are a great brother (sobs).

Y/N: Hey it's ok at least now we are back like we were kids. 

Time skip

The rest of the holidays went by very quickly. Ever since that incident, Leanne never talked to me and Tzuyu ever since. We have been very quiet and my mom and dad didn't really interact with any other family members much apart from handing out red pockets to them as they seemed to be embarrassed that their children made a big scene at a family event. Honestly I didn't care at all, that spoiled brat called Leanne needed to be taught a lesson. The rest of the family didn't really care about what happened and are just happy that the whole family are together. I announced that I am dating Jennie which Tzuyu still wasn't really happy about but the whole family was just happy that I finally found a girlfriend.

After Chinese New Year, I didn't bother going back to Seoul since it is time for the first race of the season in Australia. I head said goodbye to Tzuyu at Taipei Taoyuan Airport when we went our separate ways and headed directly to Melbourne for the first race of the season. Happy that I finally made up with my sister, that was a big relief to me as I can now focus on the 2017 Formula One season without any concerns and unfinished business regarding my relationship with my sister.

And that's another chapter done. Might take a while until the next update because I need to think about the upcoming plot and all the school work I have to do. 

Thank you very much on all the support. Please continue on voting this book, let's get to 500 reads and 100 votes altogether. That's my goal before for this book before we enter Easter holidays. So please tell your friends to read and vote on this book too.

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