Chapter 30

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Fuji Grand Prix 2020


I arrived at the Fuji circuit ready for my Super GT debut. This is very exciting for me as I am competing in a race that isn't Formula 1. GT races is always something that interest me because of the cars that compete in the races. They are just cars you see on the road but heavily modified and tuned to be road illegal. 

The paddock for Super GT races are quite free as well, with all the fans having access to the paddock meeting drivers and looking at the cars. I decided to walk around the paddock and check out the cars as well. Even though I am a racing driver, I have never seem such a wide variety of chassis on the grid. Aston Martins, Toyotas, Nissans and Hondas. It's quite a sight to see.

Once I've finished admiring the cars in the paddock, I headed to the Wako's Rookie Racing garage to complete my seat fit. This is to make sure that I am comfortably settled into the car as I will be doing at least 100km in the car. Heading into the Rookie Racing garage I was greeted by the car that I will be racing this weekend.

 Heading into the Rookie Racing garage I was greeted by the car that I will be racing this weekend

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The seat fit went over fairly quickly. Given that me and my teammate Sho Tsuboi have similar seating positions therefore, the team didn't have to make a completely new seat for me. Practice also went by very smoothly. It was all about me getting in the laps and getting used to the car. The GT500 cars in Super GT are the most powerful GT racing cars, even more powerful and quicker than the LMP1 Hyper cars in the WEC. 

Honestly, I was completely baffled by the power of these Super GT cars. On the outside it just a Toyota Supra but once you press the accelerator it goes like a rocket. However, these cars are a bit difficult to race. It is my first time driving at the Fuji Speedway and with no past experience on this track and a powerful car, it is very easy to make a mistake on track. Also, with Super GT cars not having tyre blankets this means that it is very driver reliant to extract the maximum grip on the car. With me constantly spinning on my out lap during practice, getting the tyres to the correct temperature during the race is crucial.

Time Skip to Raceday

Today is race day, the day I get back into some sort of motorsport and participate in a race. Even though it has only been a few months since I left F1 at the end of the 2019 season, it feels like an eternity that I haven't felt the rush of adrenaline during a race. The plan for this race is simple, even though it is a 300km race and 65 laps of the Fuji Speedway in total, it will be a one shop with Sho Tsuboi starting the first stint then I will hop onto the car in the second stint at around lap 30 depending on track conditions. 

The first stint went on very well for our team, Sho Tsuboi got a really great start and got up to 3rd position and spent the whole stint battling the Tom's car of Sacha Fenestraz. I was just sitting in the garage with the team watching team until Mr. Takeda the racing director called me over on lap 25. 

Toshiaki Takeda: Y/N get ready, we're changing the strategy.

Y/N: Ok what is the plane?

Toshiaki Takeda: We'll be undercutting the Tom's car as Sho is struggling to get past Fenestraz so I need you to put in some decent lap times before Fenestraz comes into the pits.

After the quick briefing I got and put my helmet on and walked out to the pit box waiting for Sho Tsuboi to come into the pits. Once he stopped at the pit market, he quickly hopped off and I got into the car, mechanics strapped me into the seat, refuel the car and changed the tyres. After the pit crew removed the pit board from my sight, I did a burn out while pulling out of the pit box trying to get as much heat into the tyres as I can.

Exiting the pit lane, I tried to take it as easy as possible as I don't want to spin out immediately and destroy the teams hard work after one corner. There are no tyre blankets to preheat the tyres up here in Super GT so these tyres might be fresh but they aren't grippy at all when the tyres cold as ice. I got through turn 1 and turn 2 safely even though I was struggling as it felt like driving on an ice rink. Thinking I have enough heat into the tyres, I decided to push a bit harder on the exit of turn 2 heading into turn 3 which is a high speed left hander. Time is gained and lost in this corner. I lifted off a little bit and chuck the car into the corner hitting the apex perfectly when suddenly I lost all control of the car and spun round. Everything went on very quickly, as I saw the gravel and barrier coming towards my car.....

Third Person POV

Sam Collins: The Wako's Rookie car coming out of the pits, Y/N Chou tries to attack turn 3 in hope to gain time through that corner. He loses control of his car due to cold tyres, he spins off turn 3 and hits the barriers on the exit of turn 3. This is a big crash, I've never seen a crash this big in the years of commentary. Surely that's a red flag the race had to be stopped to make sure that Y/N is safe after that shunt. Paramedics coming to the crash scene to try to rescue Y/N from that car just in case of a fire. All our wishes will be with Y/N wishing that he is alright and has a speedy recovery.

A bit of a short chapter today. Hope you still enjoyed this chapter. A bit of Super GT plot because I have been interested into Super GT and Super Formula lately. 

Please vote for this chapter we are so close to 3.5k reads so let's get that view count up. Thank you for all your past support and please continue to support this book until the end. My goal is to finish this book before summer begins so I can work on my other books during the summer.

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