Chapter 6

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Sana POV

Today is the day. The big day. I have to go break up with Y/N, I don't know if he knows it or expecting it. Hopefully he don't make a big scene because of what I am going to do. I woke up especially early, so I could look as best as possible for Y/N. Then I asked my manager to drive me to Hongdae.


I woke up to my alarm ringing remembering that I Sana wanted to talk to me about something. Honestly I have no idea what is it going to be about.

Y/N: Ugh why did Sana want to meet me this early

As you might know, I am not a morning person and I definitely do not like waking up this early just because someone wants to talk. Hopefully this talk is going to be a short one and I can go back to bed as soon as possible. Upon finishing my morning routine I got into my car and started driving towards Hongdae in my Mercedes E63 AMG Coupe.

 Upon finishing my morning routine I got into my car and started driving towards Hongdae in my Mercedes E63 AMG Coupe

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AN: Sorry this is one of my dream car so I just put it here.

Whilst driving, I have decided to try and figure out what Sana wanted to talk about. Maybe it would be about the article being posted on Koreaboo a few days ago. She said she wanted to talk and the text she gave me was stated "we need to talk". In my past relationship whenever girls said that they wanted to talk it was always no good. I guess I will just have to wait and see what is going to happen.



I arrived at the cafe and Sana has already arrived. She was sitting there looking at something. This is not the happy cheerful Sana I saw, her mind is definitely not here and she is spacing out. 

Oh god this talk might be serious and I don't like serious talks

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Oh god this talk might be serious and I don't like serious talks. 

Y/N: Sana.

Sana: Oh Y/N you are here?

Y/N: Yes you said you need to talk to me about something?

Sana: Oh yes (looks down).

Y/N: Is everything OK?

Sana looks sad, what is going on. She slowly pulls out her phone and shows me something on the screen.

 She slowly pulls out her phone and shows me something on the screen

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Sana: Y/N have you seen this (sad)?

Y/N: I'm sorry Sana, I know we have to be under the radar and all that stuff but that night my emotions got the better of me. Don't tell me you are kicked out of Twice because of that. I promise I will fix this with JYP and get you back into Twice and if you really get kicked out of Twice, I will take care of you. I love you very much Sana, I'll do anything to have you stay by my side.

Oh god Y/N why did you become so emotional suddenly. Again I have let emotions take over me again. I don't even know if Sana is the one for me why did I say as if I am prepared to marry her already. This is a big mistake Y/N.

Sana: Really (puppy eyes)?

She looks a bit happier after hearing me say that. How can I say no to that?

Y/N: Yes

Sana POV

Sana: That was so sweet Y/N, but it's ok what happened happened. JYP said that he won't kick me out of Twice if I.......

Y/N: If you?

Sana: I'm sorry Y/N but I have to break up with you.

Y/N: What!!!!!!!!!!

Sana: Yes the only way to keep my job is to break up with you so JYP can deny the dating rumours before it turns into a scandal. You said you really love me right?

Y/N: Yes Sana I really do.

Sana: If that is the case, can we still be friends and start all over again in the future.

Y/N: Yes Sana I will wait for you, I will wait for you when your dating ban gets lifted then I will make sure everyone knows that you are mine.

Sana: Well I guess that is the end of that then?

Y/N: Guess this is it, we'll still be friends I guess.

Sana: It's not like I can avoid you since you are Tzuyu's brother (smiles). At least we know how each other feels.

Y/N: Then it's goodbye but not farewell.

Sana: Pinky promise me you will wait for me.

Pinky promise.

After that I left the cafe. I kind of felt happy knowing that Y/N will wait for me and like in my dream he actually declared his love for me. Y/N promise me that he will wait for me which is good. It made me feel a little bit better

So that's another chapter done before school starts on Monday. I will try my best to upload another tomorrow.

I didn't know how to make the breakup less awkward cause all my breakups are awkward and never end up as friends. Comment on what you think about this chapter. Tell me how I could do better as well. Don't forget to vote for this chapter.

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