Chapter 8

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Sana POV

A few months has passed after me and Y/N broke up. It still breaks my heart till now, but my members told me to look forward because the year is nearly ending and it's time to focus on the upcoming year. After learning from Tzuyu that Y/N didn't quickly find a rebound made me somewhat feel better.

I would be lying if I don't think about Y/N from time to time, I wonder how he is doing. I heard he is still staying in Seoul to live with his sister Tzuyu. Maybe I should visit him one day so I texted him.

 Maybe I should visit him one day so I texted him

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I am currently enjoying my offseason when my phone ring. I checked the caller ID and it was my boss Toto Wolff so I definitely have to pick up.

Y/N: Hello Toto.

Toto Wolff: Y/N we have a new sponsorship deal with BLACKPINK and we will be collaborating with them in a road show and a concert.

Y/N: Ok when and where it is?

Toto Wolff: It's a bit rushed, they had a concert planned next Tuesday and they wanted to add the roadshow as part of the programme of the concert.

Y/N: But I'm on my holiday now

Toto Wolff: I understand, but YG has paid us sponsorship for the next 2 years so we can't turn them down

Y/N: Can't Lewis or Valtteri do this?

Toto Wolff: I tried but they won't be able to fly to Seoul in time.

Y/N: I have no choice right?

Toto Wolff: Sorry, we already told Mercedes South Korea to set up the road show and the car is already on it's way. I'll see you on that day. Bye

After I hung up, I let out a big sigh. Now I have to reject Sana's hangout. She's definitely going to be mad at me because I have to break the promise. I have to call Sana and tell her about this. 

Y/N: Sana

Sana: Y/N! You called!

Y/N: Yes Sana, sorry I have work to do next Tuesday so I can't hangout with you.

Sana: It's ok, work is more important plus we aren't dating.

Y/N: Are you sure you are ok?

Sana: Yes.

Y/N: Ok I need to go now, bye bye.

Sana: Bye bye.

Wow, Sana handled it better than I thought. Now that Sana understands that I have to work and can't hangout with her, I am much more relieved. Right let me get to work and study the rundown of that BLACKPINK concert and see where do I make an entrance and exit. Also, I need to study the road that I will driving down.

Sana POV

I was just pretending to be ok on the phone with Y/N, he rejected me. I know we aren't anything now but I can't deny the fact that I still have feelings for him. I went to Tzuyu and decided to see if I could get any details of Y/N's current life.

Sana: Tzuyu

Tzuyu: Sorry mom, dad and Y/N I have to go, someone is calling me.

Sana: Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?

Tzuyu: No I was talking to my family.

As I heard that, my eyes grew wide. This might be my chance to see Y/N the first time after the break up.

Sana: (whispers) I just wanted to ask how is Y/N is going.

Tzuyu: Well you can come in and have a look yourself. I have my mic on mute and my camera off so they can't hear or see you.

I went in and sat down listening to their conversation. I know this is very bad and I shouldn't be listening or snooping around Tzuyu's family issues but Tzuyu said is ok so I guess it is ok.

Tzuyu: So what do you want to ask about?

Sana: Does Y/N have a new girlfriend?

Tzuyu: No, this is why mom and dad keep telling him to get one right now.

Hearing that, my heart relaxed a lot. Knowing that Y/N doesn't have a girlfriend means that he is staying true to his words. That was all I wanted to know. I feel slightly happier knowing that I would still have a chance with Y/N. However, before I leave, I heard Y/N say something.

Y/N: Oh by the way, I have a collaboration with BLACKPINK that I have to do as part of the new sponsorship deal my team has signed with YG if you are wondering what's new in my world.

A collaboration with BLACKPINK? That means he will get together with the BLACKPINK girls. Is this why he needs to cancel his date with me? What kind of collaboration is he going to do. This is not good, Y/N is mine and mine forever. I need to go to that event and have a look myself.

Another update. This one is a bit short and rushed because I was literally trying to write it during geography class haha. 

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