Chapter 40

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Sana POV

I was sleeping peacefully trying to forget the fact that Y/N was standing outside the house in the pouring rain waiting for me. I feel so bad so I decided to see if sleeping helps me forget about the guilt for a while. Little did I know, I fell asleep really quickly and completely forgotten about Y/N was standing outside in the pouring rain. That was until I felt someone stroke my hair, do they not know I'm trying to sleep peacefully. 

Sana: Hmmmm, stop bothering me I'm trying to sleep.

This person is so annoying, why would they bother me when I'm trying to sleep. I woke up to look at who was bothering and kept stroking me. I opened my eyes and stared right into his eyes and I couldn't believe who it was......

Sana: Y/N (shocked)?

What is Y/N doing here? I thought I put a restraining order on him to not let him in the house until I was ready to face him again. I wonder which snake let him in.

Sana: How did you get in here?

Y/N: Tzuyu let me in. But that isn't important, what's important is I have something I want to say to you.

Sana: You know I don't really want to see you right now.

I really don't get him, why is he trying so hard to win me back. I said to him well and clear that I don't want to see him and he stands outside the dorm in the rain for about an hour. Now he wants to talk. I appreciate him for trying but still that doesn't mean that I am ready to face him. However, curiosity has gotten the better of me because I have decided to let him talk and see what he wants to say.

Y/N: Sana I just wanted to say that I really love you and after all the things I have been through I can't afford to lose you again. I realised I never have feelings for Jennie because I only have feelings for you but me losing my memory has caused myself to put all trust into Jennie. But now I've remembered everything, how Jennie is trying to ruin my life and how we had a really happy relationship before I got in a crash. This all made me realise that I truly love you. I'm sorry for leaving you and hurting you like that. I'm not asking for a miracle but I just want you to forgive me.

After hearing his heart out, my whole heart sank and I felt really guilty. I realised that he was suffering a lot, having Jennie taking advantage of his memory loss and trying to ruin his life. I shouldn't be so harsh on him at first and let him explain himself instead of letting him stand outside and get wet. Now he could get sick and it would be all my fault. 

I looked into his eyes, he was so hopeful and so genuine. I can't say no to that. He really looked like he mean it. I guess he has suffered enough and he really does deserve a second chance or even a third chance in this situation. I tried to see what my feelings are and I definitely feel a spark between us and feel something for him. Actually it wasn't just something, it was a lot of things. I hate him for leaving me twice but I feel I should forgive him for standing up and apologising. I really really love him, the times I have been with him in the past really made me happy and I really missed those happy days with him.

At that moment, I don't know how to react. He really deserves a second chance and I really missed him. It hurts me seeing him and Jennie together after he was discharged from hospital. I tried to see if he was genuine or not. I mean if him standing outside for an hour under the rain waiting for me to open the door is not a sign of him showing how much he loves me I don't know what is. 

There it is, I have decided to give him a third chance. I pulled him closer and connected our lips. I definitely missed this feeling. Just as things are about to get more serious, he pulled out of the kiss and ask me a question.

Y/N: So what are we now?

Sana: Shut up and kiss me again.

Y/N: I promise I will never leave you again. I have completely left the world of racing, I'm giving up my career and everything for you and just for you Sana.

After that I pulled him back into the kiss. I feel very happy that I am with him once again. I can't believe that the first time I see him ever since his crash we are already making out. No matter what happens this time, I will stay with him forever. He has given up racing just for me, I feel really honoured and happy because this means the chance of him leaving me after an accident will be slimmed down. I just hope this will be the final time we have to go over this situation, we have faced a lot together in the past, too many break ups and separation for my liking. As we were making out things were getting very heated and we decided to continue on and take it to the next step......

I will let you imagine what Y/N and Sana did after that......

A bit of a short chapter today, as this chapter is about Y/N and Sana getting back together. It looks like it will be a happy ending but there's still time for a big plot twist. So if you haven't voted please do vote which type of ending do you want to see.

Once again please do vote and continue to support this book. I am aiming to finish this book by 12th June so updates will be more frequent and consistent. Please do continue reading until the end of the book and I will see you guys next chapter.

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