Chapter 42

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Sana POV

Ever since Y/N and I have been engaged, I can't stop but think about how will the world of K-POP react to this. How would the Onces react to this news that one of the Twice idols are engaged and getting married? Will they take the news well? I mean I love Y/N so much and I am very happy that we are finally engaged after what we have been through. But I still have to think about the public because we are public figures.

A lot of things have came up on my mind, I need to think about the public's reaction to this engagement, and also pick a wedding dress. All of the wedding dress are very nice and I just can't pick which one. The members aren't really helping much because they all have different opinions about what type of wedding me and Y/N should have. The wedding itself was already planned, we are getting married in an outdoor wedding in Okinawa, but it's just the little stuff that I need to sort out.

I have a lot of pressure coming on me right now. Especially with Twice. Our contracts are ending soon in 2022 so maybe this is a sign that I should not renew my contract with JYP and instead be a stay at home wife so I could be with Y/N. My parents want me to go back to Japan after getting married and I don't know if Y/N wanted this or not. While my life might look like it is in one piece and moving very nicely, on this inside it is a complete mess. I was in my room looking at wedding dresses when Jihyo suddenly came into my room.

Jihyo: Hey Sana, how are you doing.

Sana: Not well, while I'm very happy that I am marrying Y/N soon, I don't know what should I do with Twice.

Jihyo: What why, you marrying Y/N and Twice doesn't conflict?

Sana: It's just, our contracts are ending soon and my mom want me to go back to Japan after I marry Y/N so we can start a family there. I just don't know what to do.

Jihyo: What you need to do is think about what you want. If you want to leave then leave, nobody is going to stop you or force you to stay. 

I stopped and had a moment to myself thinking what do I want. As I closed my eyes, I pictured myself with Y/N living happily together with our little family. Away from the fame and all the media. Nothing to bother us, living peacefully. Maybe I am really willing to give up my whole career as an idol to be with Y/N.

Sana: Jihyo, am I greedy if I want to leave Twice and spend the rest of my life with Y/N?

Jihyo: No Sana, it's your life, you should live your life and forget about what other people think.

It's decided then, I will not be renewing my contract with JYP when my current contract ends. I can't believe it's been 7 years already. I head over to the JYP building so I can tell PD nim about my contract situation. I hope he doesn't force me to sign a new contract, after all he have been nothing but supportive regarding me and Y/N dating.

Arriving at the JYP building, I head straight towards PD nim's office. I feel very nervous right now. Even though PD nim is a really nice person, I still feel nervous telling him that I will be leaving the company after a decade here. I knocked on his office door and entered the room......

JYP: Sana hello. I didn't have time to say congratulations on getting engaged.

Sana: PD nim, I want to talk about my contract.

JYP: Oh haha, I forgot you girls are out of contract soon. Sure what's up

Sana: Sorry PD nim, but I don't want to renew my contract.

JYP: It's ok, it's your life Sana. I guess we will have to disband Twice. 

I can't believe this is it, this is the end of Twice. It's a little bit sad, the past 7 years we have been through a lot together but now because of our respective lives, we have to disband. The past 7 years have gone by quickly, it seems like yesterday we were just debuting and dancing to Ooh Ahh but now we are going to disband. I guess this is the end of an era. I was a little bit sad but I still need to go to Y/N and ask him something about the wedding dress.


I heard my apartment door open, I knew who it was immediately, it was my fiancé Sana since she is the only one who have access to my apartment. I was about to tell her the good news regarding our future after we got married. 

Y/N: Hey Sana.

Sana: Y/N, I want to tell you something.

Y/N: I have something to tell you too but you go first.

Sana: I have decided to quit Twice so I can spend more time with you. Also, my mom wants us to live in Japan so she can be closer to us. Now what you have to tell me.

Y/N: Well I've got good news and luckily for your mom, I just struck a deal with Honda and they will provide my new team a their newest Honda NSX GT3 chassis to participate in the Asia GT Series. I guess moving to Japan would benefit my team so we can move there. How does being the founder of Sanatozaki Motorsports wife sound like? You could be the face of the team and help me attract some good sponsors from cosmetic companies.

Sana: I guess that's one less thing to worry about for the future.

I can feel Sana was unhappy, maybe she isn't ready to give up Twice for this. Stupid Y/N, why did you start your own team without consulting your wife. I hugged her and said......

Y/N: Hey Sana it's ok we can always stay here in Seoul so you can continue your career.

Sana: No, I don't want to but you know it's just sad. It's the end of an era.

I truly understood her feeling right now, I was like that when I given up Formula 1 a few years ago. It was tough but there was nothing I could do apart from be with her.

Sana: Anyways, I've decided, let's talk about the wedding shall we. I've picked a few dresses so let's see which one you like.

We spend the whole evening looking at the wedding dresses Sana picked and planning our wedding. There are just so many things we need to do right now even though we have decided on the venue, we still have to send out the invites. But at least we have sorted out our future already and we don't have to worry about getting bored with no job. Sana was right, now we have one thing to worry about for the future and we should focus on the wedding because we 

Double update today because I got bored while waiting for my prom date to get ready. Enjoy it while you can. 

A bit of fluff in the end there. Only a few more chapters to go but maybe it's not a smooth sailing to the end. Anyone think Jennie will come to the wedding and ruin Y/N's life once again or is Y/N going to marry Sana with no problem at all. Comment down below about your predictions.

Thank you very much for your support and please don't forget to vote on this chapter. I will see you guys next chapter which will hopefully be published tomorrow.

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