Chapter 28

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The past week at Hawaii has gone by quickly. It was very fun. Me and Sana were just enjoying this little break we have from our respective careers. We have been to many places and have done so many things together in this week. Snorkelling, chilling on the beach, boat tours you name them and we've done it. 

It was our last day together in Hawaii and we decided to have a very hectic day. We both woke up early this morning as we decided to enjoy the final day of our vacation to the full. Currently I am driving to Hanauma Bay as we have two activities planned there.

The first one was snorkelling with the dolphins. Hanauma Bay was beautiful, the water was blue and very clear. We got on the little boat which took out to the sea in search of some spinner dolphins. Both of us are very excited to see spinner dolphins and the possibility of swimming with them. While we were enjoying the view of the Honolulu coastline when we saw something jumped out of the sea.

Sana: DOLPHINS (shouts).

Tour Guide: Yes they are spinner dolphins very rare species and could be found in Hawaii. Let's do some snorkelling here.

After learning how to snorkel properly, in which Sana keeps swallowing the sea water during the process which was very funny, we were ready to swim with the spinner dolphins. Once we got in the water, the feeling was surreal. The clear water warm water, dolphins swimming and jumping around us and the corals at the bottom of the sea. It was so colourful and beautiful. It feels like we were in a dream. 

While we were swimming, one dolphin came over to use and decided to play around with us which got Sana very excited.

Sana: Yah this dolphin. Do you want to be friends with me (smiles)?

Y/N: Sana stop being silly, the dolphin won't understand what you are saying.

The dolphin replied by swimming around Sana and got really close to her and out of no where the dolphin stayed beside Sana. Sana decided to go in and hug the dolphin.

Sana: Explain this Y/N, it wants to be friends with me (sticks tongue out).

However, it was time to leave. Sana bid goodbye to the dolphin and gave it one last hug before we both headed back onto the boat and dried ourselves as the boat took us back to Waikiki beach for our next adventure. 

Sana: Bye dolphin, I will remember to come visit you again.

After arriving near Waikiki beach , we decided to switch sea travelling for air travelling. We will be parasailing over Waikiki beach. As we neared the starting point, Sana was acting very nervous. It seems like she doesn't want to do this. Personally I am really looking forward to this activity but Sana isn't. 

Sana: Y/N can we not go (scared)?

Y/N: Sana there's nothing to be scared about.

Sana: I'm scared that I will fall off and die. Let's just go back to the beach and chill (pouts).

Y/N: But I wanted to do this for so long.

Sana: You crash cars at 200 miles an hour, of course you have no fear, but I do. I'm not doing this.

Y/N: My mind is set on it so if you won't do it I will do it alone.

Sana: How stubborn, I will take some photos of you so I remember how you fell from the sky and die.

There it is, it's decided, if Sana doesn't want to parasail then she doesn't have to parasail but I will be doing it alone. 

Once I was strapped in, the boat started moving again and slowly I was hovering around the air, looking down at the beautiful coastline of Waikiki. It was so calm and relaxing, the feeling of being in the air looking at the beautiful Hawaiian view. I looked down and Sana kept looking at me with a worried face. This got me thinking. Do I really have no fear and like to do dangerous stuff. Soon I forgot about all of the nice views and the fresh air that I am breathing and focused on my thoughts. Maybe there is a limit for dangerous things. I am a racing driver and have lived a dangerous life by driving cars at a ridiculous speed. Maybe it's time I stopped racing and this decision to leave F1 would be the correct decision for me. After a while, the boat stopped and the tour guide brought me back down. It was a moment that I have enjoyed a lot being in the air hovering above everyone.

Y/N: Wow that was awesome.

Sana: At least you aren't dead.

Y/N: Sana you should try it.

Sana: No let's go back to the hotel and rest I'm a bit tired.

Time skip

A bit of rest later, me and Sana decided to have dinner and walk around Honolulu at night. Nighttime Honolulu and Waikiki beach was actually very nice. With no people on the beach because the sun has set, we decided to head to the beach and watch the stars together. Enjoying the final night of our vacation. 

Listening to the waves crashing onto the beach was very soothing and comfortable. Relaxing and is just what both of us needed. Some time alone, together, relaxing after a hardworking year we spent on our respective careers. Having Sana next to me leaning on my shoulder as we both enjoyed this relaxing moment with the sound of the waves and the slight breeze of Hawaii nighttime. It was the moment that we both looked for until both of our phones rang.

Y/N: Hello?

???: Y/N, you might not remember me, but I have a job opportunity for you. Come to Kannopolis North Carolina tomorrow and I'll see you there. Bye.

That was strange, why would some random strangers call me and talk to me abut an opportunity. And Kannopolis, the location seems familiar to me. Wonder where have I came across it in the past. 

Sana: Who was it?

Y/N: I don't know someone wants to meet me in some USA city tomorrow.

Sana: Are you going?

Y/N: I'm not sure I want to go home.

Sana: Well, you should meet him maybe he has a job for you cause you are now unemployed (laughs).

Y/N: But I want to take a break.

Sana: Just go since I'll be staying here for a few days for a mv shoot too.

After a little bit of convincing, I decided to take up the offer from that strange call I received and will head to Kannopolis tomorrow to meet this mysterious guy for a job opportunity. My mind is telling me not to go because but my heart is telling me that I should go. Hopefully everything will be fine.

And that's the end of the chapter. Bit of a cliffhanger here. What will happen to Y/N? Would something bad happen to Y/N when he visits that stranger in USA? Comment below.

For those smart people, I'm sure you will know what this opportunity for Y/N will be. 

Anyways, thanks for 3k reads. Once again don't forget to vote for this book. 

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