1: Here We Go Again

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The Watson brothers were nothing short of troubled teenagers, in their own rights. Really, it was only a matter of time until one of them did something that got all three thrown out of their fourth school in four years.
Phil had seen it coming on their first day, when they looked at the school and made bets about how long they would last. Bets that he gave them a very, very stern talking to about, because no Tommy, it's not funny, and we don't bet on things like that.

Of course, nobody had expected it to be a fire, and then an explosion that almost got Techno blown to bits.

Phil was nothing short of furious. But for once, it wasn't directed at his troublesome sons. Of course, there wasn't much that could be done once the school was up in flames. But he was determined that this was the worst that it would get. He refused to let it be any worse.

Phil Watson was a reasonable man, really. He did his best to provide for his children on his own, and to provide them with good education and good opportunities for the future. And he was immensely proud of each of his boys in their own way.

Wilbur was a fantastic musician. The boy really applied himself when he wanted to, and it was incredible the things he was capable of when he actually tried. The issue was, however, that he didn't like to try. He liked to skive off, sneak out and get drunk in the woods with his friends.

Techno was a genius. There were few people Phil had ever known to be quite as intelligent and book-smart than his middle child. But of course, this made him cocky. Being as smart as he was, he liked to skip classes and play video games instead.
And then there was Tommy, just fifteen years old, but a hyperactive kid with a big imagination. He looked up to his brothers more than he probably should have. Tommy was a very capable young lad, but unfortunately for everyone involved, he was what teachers often referred to as a problem child. He liked to speak his mind, even when his mind shouldn't be spoken.

It was hard enough to wrangle the three of them down to the dining room at once for the grand announcement, and even harder to deal with telling the three teenage boys the news that he was pretty sure they wouldn't be pleased with.

"What the fuck do you mean boarding school?" Tommy demanded, screwing up his nose and looking at his father with disgust. "You can't be serious."

"Nope. Completely serious." Phil said, his hands folded on the table in front of him. "It's pretty much my only option, at this point."

"How is this your only option?" Wilbur asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning back in his chair. "There's another two schools that we haven't done yet."

"You really think they'd want to touch any of you after what you did at Willow Park?"

"That wasn't our fault." Wilbur said, his tone just as certain as his father's.

"I'm not saying it was. But you were all involved, and you're mad if you think any school in their right mind would want anything to do with you now." Phil didn't raise his voice, despite feeling as though maybe he should. No, this was not the time for an argument. This was a big change for all of them, and their emotions were more than just.

"But a boarding school does?" Techno asked, speaking up for the first time, his light brown eyes analyzing Phil's face for any underlying emotion. Unfortunately, Phil had been playing this game for just as long as Techno had, and nothing slipped through.

"I used to know the headmaster." Phil supplied. "He's an alright bloke. And he agreed to give you three a try, which is more than I could have asked. With scholarships, too, so that I can actually afford it."

"You mean it's a private school!?" Tommy all but screamed, his eyes bulging. "No. No fucking way. Absolutely not. I'm not wearing a fucking uniform. No way in hell. I will not turn into some Harry Potter looking prick."

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