29: Fight

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Three streets over, Tommy had once again found himself in trouble. It wasn't his fault, per say. But then again, it never really was.

He was what adults liked to refer to as a troubled child, and hey, if they're going to set that expectation, who was he to run from it? But no, this time the group of local kids had come up to them and gotten in their face, and that wasn't Tommy's fault.

"Thought we told you not to show your face around here again, you posh little shit." Said the boy who had to be at least a year older than him as he stepped a little closer, daring Tommy to back up. His beady brown eyes scanned over the group, his lips tugging up into what had to be the most patronising smirk Tommy had ever witnessed.

"Ey, ey, Liam, listen man." Jack tried, putting himself between his friend and the bully, who he obviously knew in some way. They probably went to the same school. "He's not causing trouble man, we're mates."

"This doesn't concern you, Manifold." The boy, Liam, said, with so much authority that Tommy had no doubt that he did shit like this on the regular.

His group had circled around them, blocking off any easy escape. "This bitch started shit last time we saw him, and then ran away when he got scared. We're here to finish the job. Isn't that right, boys?" His friends let out jeering agreements.

"I only started shit because you touched my things and pushed around my friend." Tommy gritted his teeth, and Jack turned back in shock, mouth dropping. He shook his head, a silent warning to shut the fuck up right now, because holy shit Tommy, there's at least twelve guys here, there's no way you're winning this one.

Tommy ignored him, handing off his camera and his phone to Tubbo, just in case. "We didn't ask for trouble, mate. We don't want any."

"Ohhhh." Liam chuckled, his smile only growing bigger as he took a step forward, shoving a large, firm finger into Tommy's chest. "Think you're a big man? Hm? Think you're top shit 'cause you go to a private school?"

"No," Tommy allowed, putting a thoughtful expression on and pretending to think about what he was about to say. "I think I'm better than you because I'm not some dumbass American--"

Liam cut him off with a swift punch to the face, and Tommy went down, only just catching himself before he hit the ground. Tubbo and Jack gasped, and the rest of the crowd laughed. Tommy was back on his feet a second later, shaking off the disorientation. Before he was fully steady on his feet, he threw himself at Liam, sending them both to the ground.

Jack reached out blindly for Tubbo's shoulder, and when he grabbed it he ripped his eyes from the scene. "We need to go!"

"What about--" Tubbo began, but Jack was already dragging him away.

Liam managed to get the upper hand, and, after each boy had gotten in a good couple of hits, had made it back to his feet. He brought his shoe back before swinging it forwards with all the strength he could muster into Tommy's ribcage.

The boy grunted, clawing at the pavement that was already dotted with blood and trying to get to his feet. Another kick sent him back down. He tried a third time, but Liam's kicks were only getting stronger, and Tommy's ribs were only getting more painful.

He knew he had to change it up if he wanted any chance. It was only one guy. He had beaten one guy plenty of times. Ignoring the jeering and shouting, he twisted as Liam brought his foot back for another kick, knocking his one remaining leg from beneath him. Liam went crashing down, and Tommy made it back to his feet with minimal pain.

His ankle felt like it had been twisted, and there was a decent gash on his forearm, as well as a cut on his forehead where Liam had first struck him. What kind of sick motherfucker wears rings in a fight?

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