55: Back To Normal

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TW! Depiction of a panic attack! Please read with care <3

There was nothing that made Tommy happier than going back to school.

He was so sure that he was going to die in that basement. Walking back into his dorm room felt like it wasn't supposed to be happening. "Welcome home, boss man." Tubbo called, grinning from ear to ear.

Tommy stood in the middle of their room. The desks were cluttered with school work. There were a couple of items of clothing on the floor. Neither of the beds were made. This was home. He tossed his duffle bag onto his bed, and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.

He looked different-- that much was undeniable. The scars on his face had healed well, but they would never truly fade away. The way he walked was different though, too. The way he held himself. He had survived something that he shouldn't have, and he would never be the same again.

But here he was, back in the same room with the same Tubbo. He smiled as he took his camera from around his torso and put it back in its spot on his side table. "Good to be back, Tubso."


Dinner was great.

The food was as sub par as ever, but that didn't matter. The company was beyond priceless. Everyone held wide smiles and open body language. They talked about stupid things, like the end of year exams coming up and how Sapnap killed Niki's fox for the third time in their minecraft world.

Tommy won fifteen bucks off Techno, who in turn won ten off Wilbur. Dream and Techno kept flicking peas at eachother from across the table, and Karl and Quackity took it to the next level. A food fight almost started, but Ranboo managed to convince Tubbo that no, throwing your entire plate at Fundy would not be a good idea.

After dinner, they headed to study hall. Homework wasn't as bad as usual. Tommy didn't mind writing out answers to questions about science that he didn't fully understand. Sapnap was sat across from him, and the two of them spent the entire thing passive-aggressively flicking scraps of paper back and forth.

And when the day was almost over, and everyone was truly exhausted from the homework and the classes that they had attended, they retired to the common room once more.

"How the fuck is the remote still missing." Tommy said with a sharp laugh as he fell onto one of the couches besides Wilbur and Ranboo. "It's been like, almost an entire year. What the fuck."

"I think legally it's fallen into another dimension." Tubbo said seriously as he flicked the television on manually and then dove for the remaining space between Tommy and Ranboo. The two teenager boys grunted as Tubbo barreled into them, and begrudgingly shuffled over as far as they could, until Tommy was pressed against Wilbur and Ranboo was pressed against the arm of the couch.

"And tonight we have..." George began, and half of the room began a drum roll with their hands on their laps. The television screen flickered on. "A man talking about cars."

It wasn't a particularly interesting program until everyone started betting when the cars raced. Nobody was betting money, however, and that made the whole thing even better. It started off with little things, like dessert cups from dinner, and grew more and more extreme as time went on.

"Ten origami frogs on purple!" Tubbo screeched, pointing animatedly at the television.

"Sixteen jellybeans on orange." Techno challenged as the cars got ready to go.

"Three instant noodles on purple!" Karl threw in.

"One tube of glitter paint on purple!" Niki added above the chaos.

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