4: Dinner

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By the time dinner rolled around, Tommy and Tubbo had become fast friends.

Their awkwardness had dissipated mere minutes after meeting, and as soon as they had established that they both liked Minecraft, they were off to a flying start. They spent the next couple of hours playing pocket edition together, because as Tubbo had informed Tommy, they blocked all games on laptops.

As they played together they fell into an easy rhythm, and Tommy found that he wasn't even worried about his brother's after the first thirty minutes. They kept going right up until the clock read 6:15 and Tubbo led him from their shared room, explaining that it was best to arrive a few minutes early to dinner so that no teachers came to their room.

"What do you mean room inspections?" Tommy's nose wrinkles in disgust.

"Every Wednesday and Sunday." Tubbo admitted bitterly as he led his new friend through the corridors. "It's not great, I'll be honest. But it's not too bad as long as you know what you're doing."

"It sounds fuckin' dumb." The taller boy muttered. "And we're really not allowed in anyone else's rooms? Ever?"

"Yeah, it kinda sucks." Tubbo admitted, scratching the back of his head. "We have common areas, so it's not too bad. But it's still not good."

"I am going to break so many rules." Tommy muttered under his breath, and Tubbo laughed along as they entered the dining hall.

It was a decently large room, with rectangular tables laid out across it. There was a cafeteria-style food bar, and that's the first place that Tubbo brought Tommy, explaining that you just grabbed what you wanted, and there weren't any regulations. Thankfully, Tubbo had been here for a year already, and knew what was good and what would probably make Tommy throw up. So Tommy avoided the mashed potato, and followed Tubbo over to an empty table.

The two boys sat down, and Tubbo explained to his new roommate the honey farm that he had in an old Minecraft world, before the Montville computer staff noticed that he had a game installed and made him delete it. It was at that moment that Dream led a somewhat tired Technoblade into the room, gesturing to the array of tables and the food bar. Tommy spotted his brother immediately, but continued listening to Tubbo talk about his bee farm as Techno wandered over and collected himself a plate of food.

"Techno!" Tommy called, waving animatedly to try and get his brother's attention. Tubbo watched with confusion.
"What are you doing? That's a year 10, we're not meant to--"

"Techno! Blade! Mah friend! How are you?" Tommy said, his face breaking into his usual obnoxious grin as his pink haired brother headed over, his new friend trailing behind him with a confused tilt to his head.

"What's up nerd?" Techno asked, a small, fond smile on his face. He took a seat across from Tubbo, giving the other boy a nod. "This is Dream. He's my roommate. Dream, this is Tommy. Unfortunately, you're probably gonna be seeing him around a bit."

"Hi." Dream waved, hesitantly taking the seat beside Techno. Tubbo gave him an awkward smile and a small wave. Dream's mouth twitched into a small smile. "Oh, hey Tubbo."

"Hey Dream." Tubbo chirped happily.

"Ooh." Tommy winced, inspecting his brother's plate. "You chose the mashed potato. Bad move, Techno."

"How would you know that?" Techno asked, raising an eyebrow. "You've been here just as long as I have."

"Tubbo here told me." Tommy said with a grin, tilting his head in a nod to his new friend. "Ten on Wilbur getting the carrots."

Techno snorted, rolling his eyes. "The carrots that look like they've been left out for three weeks? Yeah, right. Sure Tommy. Ten on him being a rational human being."

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