54: Recovery

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They'd thrown him into physio as soon as they could.

It wasn't something that Tommy particularly enjoyed, but it filled the long days spent in the hospital, so he couldn't complain too badly.

When Phil wasn't talking to the police or the FBI, he was right by Tommy's side. He read to him, sometimes. They played countless games of go fish and uno. In truth they didn't do anything productive together, but it was healing to be s9pending time and not being scared for your life. Tommy's smile began to return, brighter than ever.

Techno and Wilbur spent a lot of time by their little brother's side. Much to the appreciation of everyone, the headmaster was very understanding of their situation. They were given extra work to do off campus, and allowed to travel to and from on most days.

Techno helped Tommy catch up on his school work when he was feeling up to it. He brought his laptop in, and they watched old movies about Greek mythology together. Those were especially good on the long, sleepless nights. When Tommy got a bit better at walking, they walked the corridors of the hospital, over and over again, even though there was no way Techno could possibly be enjoying it.

Wilbur brought his guitar in once or twice, and showed Tommy the new songs he'd been working on. There was even one dedicated to him. Tommy thought that was the coolest thing in the world. He also played a song that he claimed was a cover, but Tommy had never heard of before, called Don't Look Back In Anger. It became Tommy's new favourite song. They played Minecraft together, as well as this game called Geoguesser that Tommy had never heard of, but Wilbur loved.

When both of his brothers were with him, Tommy was happiest. They played board games sometimes, and explored the hospital when they were feeling up to it. They encouraged him through his physio sessions, and kept him up to date on everything that was going on at Montville.

Tubbo was there almost every day, too. Even the nurses were learning his name. More than once, Tommy had found an extra pudding cup in his dinner, left there by a particularly kind nurse who knew that Tubbo would be around. The boys did everything that they usually did together, but in the new setting of a hospital room.

Sally came around a lot, too. Not quite as much as the others, because she had further to travel and different commitments, but Tommy always appreciated it when she did. She made an afternoon of painting their nails and watching space documentaries. Tommy was missing a couple of nails thanks to his time with Marcus, but Sally painted shapes on top of the bandages all the same.

She also sometimes picked up some real food on her way in, which Tommy thought was just the best. Hospital food was, and would always be, absolutely shit.

His other friends visited when they could, usually between classes or on the weekends, when there was enough time to travel down and spend a bit of time. Ranboo brought him more flowers almost every time, making sure that there was always a bit of purple in his room. Tommy loved it. He started taking photos again, because he finally had something that he wanted to capture.

Karl and Quackity were always a laugh. They upset the nurses more than once, but it was absolutely worth it to see Tommy breathless with laughter. Niki brought him gifts sometimes--mostly little handmade trinkets. They were incredible. Tommy scattered them around his hospital room, because it made him smile when he saw them.

Fundy had taken to coding new Minecraft mods in his spare time, and every week he would hand deliver Tommy a new one to play with whoever was around. Usually it was Wilbur or Tubbo. Sometimes Techno. It was a great way to spend a long day in the same boring room.

Dream, Sapnap and George always greeted him like an old friend when they showed up. They'd crowd around his bed as though they were sitting around a table and talk for hours about what was going on with everyone. Sapnap always brought a couple of sodas with him, too. Tommy would never admit it, but Sapnap casually handing him off a can of coke meant more than he would ever know.

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