40: Formal

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"It's a tradition, and if I have to do it then you have to do it." Techno repeated, helping a very reluctant and displeased Tommy tie his tie.

"But it's so uncomfortable." Tommy complained, moving to take a step backwards.

Wilbur stuck a leg out and blocked him off, fiddling with the guitar pin that Niki had given him. "Suck it up, bitchboy. It's just a suit. Not like it's gonna kill you."

"You boys all look so grown up." Phil said from the facetime call. "Your mum would have loved this. Just like I do. Make sure you take plenty of pictures for me, okay?

Tommy's harsh glare softened slightly at the mention of his mother. He looked over to the phone, which was propped up against a stack of textbooks on Techno's desk. "Sure thing, Dad."

"Thanks." Phil smiled. Techno finished tying Tommy's tie.

Wilbur's phone buzzed from his pocket. He glanced at it, his face lighting up. "That's Sally. Gotta go. See you guys down there." He gave the phone a wave as he rushed out. "Bye Dad!"

Phil chuckled as his eldest son disappeared off the screen. "Bye Wil! Have fun, mate!"

"Alright, you're good to go." Techno said, brushing Tommy's shoulders and smiling faintly at his handiwork. He really did look all grown up in that suit. So grown up, yet so Tommy.

"I'll let you go. Enjoy your night, and say hi to everyone for me." Phil said, and his two boys nodded, smiling right back at him.

Tommy was the first to leave Techno's dorm. He found Tubbo in their own shared room, struggling with a bee pin. He rolled his eyes and helped him attach it to his collar, and then the two of them made their way downstairs.

"Come on Karl! Big Q! You're gonna be late!" Tommy called with a laugh as they passed their door.

"Uh, coming!" Karl called right back, and Tommy and Tubbo laughed as they ran for the exit.

The air outside was freezing, but it was only a short walk to the dining hall. Tommy was thankful for his stupid suit, but only for that one moment, and he would never admit it. He and Tubbo laughed as they ran for the doors.

Inside, the dining hall had been completely overturned. The tables were stacked to the side, and the lights bathed the scene in a gentle purple. A snack table sat off to one side, and there was a DJ standing behind a booth by the front. A couple of chairs were laid out, and there was even one of those cheesy disco balls strung up. A pop song was playing, and Tubbo immediately started bobbing his head, waving to Ranboo as he spotted them and made his way over.

"Hey!" He grinned, handing them each a cup of punch.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo cheered, gladly accepting. "Minutes man! My boy! How are you?"

"You've got a bit of a theme going there." Tommy noted, glancing down at his two-tone suit that matched his split dyed hair. "I don't like it."

Ranboo laughed, smiling widely. That was as close to a compliment as Tommy gave. "Thanks, man. You guys look great, too. Everyone does."

Across the room, Techno had entered with his hands in the pockets of his shiny red suit, and found himself a piece of wall to lean against as he watched everyone arrive and find their friends. The music wasn't his taste, but it certainly made the atmosphere better. Everyone looked so happy, some kids from his year dancing and jumping around, while others huddled in groups and laughed loudly.

"Techno." Dream said, strolling over with a grin on his face.

"Dream." Techno nodded as his friend leant against the wall beside him. "You really have a thing for green, huh?"

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