27: Rushed

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They ended up being put in an English classroom with a stack of blankets and a couple of blow-up mattresses and told to try and rest until the sun came up.

Thankfully, they didn't pair their group up with anyone else. Everyone was tired, which made them far more irritable than usual. Socialising with unfamiliar classmates would not have helped their situation.

Tubbo, Niki, Sapnap and Alex were out almost immediately after settling down on the air mattresses. Unfortunately for the others, they were far too awake to just nod off so easily. So they wrapped themselves with blankets and pulled the chairs and desks around to make space for them to sit around together.

The sharp ringing of a phone interrupted their quiet conversation, and everyone panicked to shut it up before it woke their sleeping friends. Finally, Wilbur pressed the answer button and put his phone to his ear. "Hello?'

"Hey mate." Phil's familiar voice called. Wilbur breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Dad. I take it you've heard about the news?"

"Yeah, Techno texted me and the school's just got in contact. It looks like they might be closing down early for the break, they're not sure where the gas leaks come from." He explained, and Wilbur could almost hear him leaning on the counter and rubbing his eyes.

"Really?" Wilbur frowned. The break was meant to be two weeks from now. Starting it now would give them four weeks of break instead of two, but it would also mean four weeks away from all their friends.

Everyone studied Wilbur's face and tried to decode what he and Phil were talking about.

"Yeah, they're going to have to unless they can figure it out." His dad sighed. "But that's alright. I'll wait for the call before I drive up, but just so you know what's going on."

"Yeah, okay. Thanks for the warning." He sighed, biting the inside of his lip.

"Okay mate. Take care. I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, bye." Wilbur pulled his phone away from his ear and ended the call. Everyone looked at him expectantly. "What?"

"Well it obviously wasn't good news." George remarked, raising his eyebrows.

"Apparently they might end the semester early." Wilbur admitted, putting his phone onto silent and shoving it back in his pocket. "Give us four weeks of break instead of two while they sort out the gas leak."

"Fuck." Fundy said blankly, staring with wide eyes at the floor. "My parents are in the Netherlands. They won't be able to get back in time."

"You can come with us." Tommy suggested, glancing at his brothers for their approval. Techno and Wilbur nodded their agreement.

"Yeah, Fundy. Phil won't mind." Wilbur confirmed. "Tubbo and Sally were already going to come and spend the break with us, what's one more?"

Fundy breathed a sigh of relief, giving Wilbur a nod. "Thanks, man."

"Is anyone else not able to get home suddenly?" Wilbur asked, yawning through his hand as he glanced out at the group.

"Me and George are staying with Sapnap anyway." Dream shrugged.

"Q's going to his aunt's place, and I'm going home." Karl listed with a shrug, picking at the blanket he had draped over his legs. Everyone stared at him. "What?"

"Who the fuck is Q?" George asked, brow creased.

"Alex." Karl said blankly. "You know, his Minecraft handle is Quackity?"

"Big Q." Tommy muttered.

"What's going on?" Niki murmured, slowly sitting up from the bed of blankets that she had been sleeping on. She peered at her friends through sleepy eyes, and brushed a couple of loose hairs from her eyes.

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