15: Team Building

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The Friday of the Watson's second week at Montville was different to regular school days. This Friday in particular was reserved as a Team Building day, designed to help them become closer with their peers and have a positive, inclusive learning environment.

They had already decided collectively, that they were not fans.

It was nice to be out of uniform for a change, but it was weird. The day started at nine, and everyone met in the gym to have a whole school assembly. Presentations were given about respect, consideration and other boring topics that none of the Watsons were particularly interested in. They spent the two hours doing anything but listening to the speeches.

Wilbur was people watching. The entire school had been brought together for the first time since he had been there, and there was a good 150 people sitting here and watching the stage and the projector. He looked at most of them and took note of what they were wearing, how they were sitting, and how attentive they looked, getting a feel for how the majority acted and thought.
But he could only keep it up for so long before he just got tired and zoned out, staring at the lectern with glazed eyes.

Techno and Tommy were having a conversation with their hands. It was mostly commentary on what was being said on the stage.

'This guy was bullied in hs'  Tommy signed, glancing at the presentation.

'Like you?'  Techno returned.

'Fuck u'

'Does W look off to u?'

Tommy glanced at his brother, who looked like he was zoned out completely.

'Little bit. Y?'

Techno frowned slightly, but didn't respond. Tommy sighed, glancing at Tubbo, who was staring blankly at the projector screen.

Eventually the presentations came to an end, and the students were put into groups based on their year level and moved to different areas. Wilbur and Techno ended up in the library with a handful of teachers and some forty other students. They were all directed to put their chairs in a circle and take a seat. As students found their seats, light chatter broke out.

"Hey Wil." Fundy said, pulling his chair up to sit beside Wilbur, who gave him a little wave in return.

"Fundy." Wilbur said with a nod, folding his hands in his lap. "So tell me, do these days happen often?"

"Oh, usually once a year." The orange haired boy said with a nod. "Yeah, they wait 'til a few weeks in to let everyone settle down."

Wilbur's nose twitched and he nodded. "Right."

Mr Williams stepped into the centre and cleared his throat. The chatter faded quickly as everyone's attention landed on him. He smiled warmly at the group of students. "Hey guys. How are we doing?"

Murmured responses. Wilbur made eye contact with Teachno, who was sat on the other side of the circle with Dream. The two boys rolled their eyes.

"So, we're gonna start off with some icebreakers. We're going to go around the circle and say our name, where we're from, and two fun facts about ourselves. I'll go first." He waved to the circle. "Hello. My name's Justin Williams, I'm from Tennessee, I like cats and my favourite food is sushi."

He gestured to a random girl with a nod and a warm smile. "Lets get started."

The girl cleared her throat, glancing around the room. "My name's Ava, I'm from Boston, my favourite class is economics and I met Harry Styles in an airport once."

She glanced to her left, and the boy sitting beside her nodded slightly. "I'm Ethan, I'm from Wyoming, I used to race go karts competitively, and I'm point guard on the basketball team."

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