18: Friday Night

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Tommy was thrilled with how easy it had been to shut off the elevator. Tubbo told him it would be a bad idea, but he really just thought that it would be worth it. Two things came of it.

Firstly, the maintenance logs snitched on him to the school, who reviewed the footage and gave him and Tubbo detention for the rest of the week. Which sucked majorly, because that was all his downtime between school and study hall.

Secondly, apparently his little stunt had ended in Wilbur making a friend, which seemed highly unfair, but he had to admit that he wasn't entirely mad about it. Alex was cool. He started sitting with them at lunch with his best friend, Karl, who got on scarily well with Sapnap. It was weird just how well they fit the dynamic.

Techno had taken a liking to both of them too. Tommy was pretty sure he just enjoyed the fear in Alex's eyes when he mentioned killing orphans. Which was kind of weak in his opinion, but whatever.

Wilbur was glad that Tommy had finally seen some consequences. It wasn't like he was going to rat him out or anything, mostly because he had yet to receive any positive attention whatsoever from the school, and he really didn't want a reason for them to force him into counseling. He had his own form of counseling with Schlatt and Charlie at the clearing that overlooked the town. They had made a habit of sneaking out once a week to talk shit and get drunk or high.

And that was the only therapy he needed, thank you very much.

Techno was fully aware of what his brother was doing, but left it very much alone. He had tried intervening before, and it hadn't worked out. Wilbur would come to him if he needed him, and that was all the comfort he could rely on.

Phil was completely oblivious to all of this, and his three sons entirely intended for it to stay that way. And then he had the weekend off, and decided to take them all to dinner.

"Are you sure Sally's not your girlfriend." Tommy said in a childish voice, nudging his brother and wiggling his eyebrows.

"We're just friends, Tommy." Wilbur repeated for the billionth time, watching the road and silently begging Phil to hurry up. He was ready to punt this child into the sun.

"Oh sure, just friends. Just friends, but coming to dinner with us and dad." Tommy continued on, his stupid grin widening with every word.

"Are you dating Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, turning to look down at him.

Tommy's shit eating grin was instantly replaced with a look of disgust. "What the fuck? No!" He glanced over at his friend, who was sitting on the curb beside Technoblade.

"But he's coming to family dinner." Wilbur said, putting on an obnoxious voice and then returning to a normal deadpan. "Shut the fuck up, Tommy. Just friends."

"Fine, whatever." Tommy put his hands up in mock defence. "Just friends."

Thankfully, before the brothers could bicker any further, Phil's familiar red sedan pulled into the parking lot, honking twice as it circled around to collect them. Techno and Tubbo got to their feet as the car pulled up. Phil gave them a big smile and a wave as they all rushed to climb inside, Wilbur slipping easily into the front seat.

"Hey dad!" Tommy called as he followed Techno into the backseat. Tubbo climbed in after and closed the door behind him, leaving Tommy in the middle. Usually he would complain, but seeing as it allowed Tubbo to come along, he decided against.

"Mr Minecraft." Tubbo greeted formally. Phil had to chuckle.

"Phil." Techno smiled, warmer than usual, and clicked his seatbelt into place.

"Hellooo." Phil chuckled turning in his chair to give each of the boys a warm smile and ensure that they had their seatbelts on. "Are we ready?"

"Ready as ever." Wilbur confirmed, smiling back at his dad as he gave his shoulder a squeeze.

Phil pulled out of the car park, and Tommy and Tubbo regaled him with how their detention had gone, with the occasional comment from Wilbur and Techno. By the time they were pulling into the parking space by the restaurant, Phil had gotten through his fatherly lecture about not locking your brother in an elevator, and Techno had pointed out that locking your brother in an elevator was fine, as long as you were smart enough to wipe the maintenance logs first.

The Watson family and Tubbo got out of the car and made their way inside and to their allocated table, filling every seat except one. Wilbur tapped his fingers on the edge of the table, playing along with a song in his head as everyone else scanned the menus and decided on what drinks they wanted.

"Phil, do you think they'd let me get lemon lime bitters?" Tommy asked blatantly, looking up from the laminated sheet of paper.

"I don't see why not." Phil shrugged, glancing up over his own menu. "Why?"

"Cause its alcoholic." Tommy said, his mouth twitching into a devious grin.

"I don't think you'll like it Tommy, but you can get one if you'd like." Phil nodded, putting his menu down and glancing at Tubbo. "Do you know what you'd like Tubbo?"

Tubbo looked up suddenly. "Oh, I was going to pay for--"

"I'm paying. My treat." Phil said firmly, giving the boy a smile that reached all the way up to his eyes. Tubbo glanced between him and the menu for a moment, and Phil let out a laugh. "It's okay mate, take your time. Techno, you want a raspberry?"

Techno nodded, a faint smile on his lips. Phil moved on to ask his oldest son about himself and Sally, who hadn't arrived yet.

Tubbo glanced at the menu and then at Tommy, playing with his fingers under the table. "Hey Tommy?"

Tommy zoned back in, snapping to attention. "Yeah?"

"The menus just kind of, like, the worst font ever. Do you think you might be able to--" Tommy was already grabbing the menu and clearing his throat. He listed out the options and Tubbo listened carefully, making a list in his own mind and tossing up his options.

Wilbur's phone dinged, and he was out of his seat in an instant. "Sally's here. I'm gonna go meet her outside, make sure she gets in alright." He gave a look to everyone at the table. "Please be nice."

Phil chuckled, waving him off. "We'll be good, we'll be good. Go get your friend."

Wilbur smiled once more and then darted out of the restaurant. As soon as he was gone, Phil gave Tommy a look, raising one eyebrow. "And you're sure they're not dating?"

Tubbo laughed at that, and Techno snickered as Tommy nodded. "He was pretty adamant about it, Dad. I don't know what to tell you."

Phil laughed once more, shaking his head slightly and pulling his wallet from his pocket, then getting his credit card and handing it to his youngest son. "Go get the drinks, yeah?"

"I'm on it." Tommy said with a grin, snatching the card from Phil's hand and striding towards the counter.

holy shit, thank you sm for 8K! im sorry its been a little while since my last update, i've managed to catch a nasty cold and the fatigue is killing my brain a little bit lol. i hope you're all doing well! thanks for reading!

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