5: Oh Yeah, Classes

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When Tommy woke the next morning, it was suddenly and to the loud, obnoxious buzzing of Tubbo's alarm clock. He could almost feel the headache setting in already, and knew fully well that there was no way in hell he was getting back to sleep now.

"That is the worst fuckin' alarm I've ever had the misfortune of hearing in my life." He said flatly, his voice a little croaky from the sleep.

"Mmm. Yeah. It's not the best." Tubbo agreed sleepily, reaching over and turning the damn thing off. "But it's the only one my clock came with."

With much effort, and a little complaining, the two boys rolled out of bed and shook off the hold that the sleep had on them. They pulled on their respective hoodies, slid on their shoes, and shuffled out of the room and down the hall. Tommy pulled the strap of his camera over one arm and around his neck, slinging it across his body, and blinked through the sleepy haze that seemed to envelop him.

They ran into Techno and Dream on their way towards the dining hall.

"Well look who it is." Tommy said sarcastically, noting Dream's vibrant green hoodie. "I always knew you'd be the kind of guy to wear green, Dream."

Dream let out a short wheeze, shaking his head at Tommy. "What?"

"He's like a green blob." Tubbo summarised, and Tommy nodded enthusiastically.

"Exactly, Tubbo."

"I'm so glad boarding school didn't change you, Tommy." Techno deadpanned as the four teenagers made their way down the hall.

"Cool camera." Dream noted, spotting it on the younger boy's body.

"Thanks." Tommy said, his voice a little quieter than usual.

"Is it film?" Dream asked, studying it with his eyes.

Tommy nodded, his eyes lighting up slightly as he took the device between his hands. "Yeah, it's from the 80's. My dad found it from ages ago and let me have it."

"Woah." Tubbo breathed, a grin emerging on his face. "That's so cool."

The boys fell into silence for a beat, and then Tommy spoke up again.

"Hey Techno, what time did you have to have your lights out?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhhhh. Ten fifteen."

"Oh that's so fucked." Tommy scoffed. "Ours was ten."

"Probably cause you're a child." Dream called over his shoulder.

"I'm not a fuckin' child!" He exclaimed, earning a harsh look from a teacher as he passed by. He ducked his head slightly, bringing his hand up in a wave. "Sorry."

Techno, Dream and Tubbo all burst into laughter at his sudden change of tone as the group entered the dining hall. They collected their breakfast before following Tommy over to a table. Wilbur and Fundy were already there, seemingly waiting for them.

"Wilburrrrrr." Tommy whined as he sat down across from his brother. "Dream's bullying me about my age."

Wilbur looked up tiredly. "Why? Cause you're a child?"

Dream wheezed like a tea kettle. Tommy scoffed at him and rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything else, instead munching on a spoonful of coco pops.

"How'd you sleep?" Techno asked quietly, glancing at his older brother from across the table.

Wilbur gave him a small nod and a smile. "Not too bad. You?"


Their conversation really wasn't about sleep, but that's okay. Nobody needed to know about that. Only Tommy had even a vague understanding about what they were really saying, but he knew enough not to pry. As much as he enjoyed being a nuisance, there was a time and a place, and this would never be either.

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