57: Festival

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"I really thought I was more valuable than this." Techno said flatly as he continued to paint the metal can. He was pretty sure it used to hold baked beans.

"You and me both, Techno." Quackity rolled his eyes.

"You're all very valuable." Hbomb told them as he wandered over to check their progress. "Everyone has a job, and they're all equally important."

Techno and Quackity shared a look with raised eyebrows and much skepticism.

"Hbomb, I'm sat here painting cans that are going to be knocked over by small children." Quackity stated blankly.

"And you're doing a great job." Hbomb said sweetly. "And I'm not even going to tell you to get rid of your hat."

On the next table over, Niki was happily arranging flowers as George continually mixed up greens and yellows. Fundy watched the whole thing, unhelpfully commentating on the placement and making Niki laugh.

"Saaaaaammmmmmm." Tubbo called as the pole of a stall collapsed on him.

Sam heaved a heavy sigh as he rushed over to pull it off him. "Tubbo, this is a two person job. Didn't we talk about this?"

"There are two people here." Tubbo says, turning around to find Tommy nowhere to be seen. "Well, there were two people here."

Sam sighed heavily as he fixed the position of the pole. He looked at Tubbo for a moment, and then gestured to where Ranboo and Karl were setting up a lucky dip stand. "Just go help Ranboo and Karl, okay?"

"Okay!" Tubbo chirped helpfully, before wandering off to do just that.

On the other side of the oval, Tommy was helping Wilbur set up the stage for the musical acts the following day. Well, helping might not be the right term.

"Here?" Tommy cocked his head to one side.

"No, just--" Wilbur let out an exasperated sigh. "Just put it down. Please."

"I'm being helpful!" Tommy protested, lifting the amp again and taking a couple more steps. "Do you mean here?"

"Sure, Tommy." Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose.

Tommy smiled happily as he put the amp down. "How many songs are you doing tomorrow?" He asked as he grabbed the microphone stand and swung it around.

Wilbur grabbed it out of his hands and put it back before he broke it. "I dunno yet. Probably six or seven, depending on how long they let me have."

"It's gonna be so good." Tommy grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Wilbur had to smile at that. He clapped a hand on his brother's shoulder and began to lead him off the stage. "Thanks, man."

Sapnap and Dream had already finished setting up their stall, and had now taken up an intense game of tag around the other stalls. Sapnap rounded a corner with a yelp as he ran directly into Fundy and the two went crashing down to the ground.

"Oh come on!" Fundy groaned.

"Oh Sapnap!" Dream called as he bolted around the corner. Sapnap was already up on his feet again, bolting away and calling for George to help him.

Dream looked at Fundy and an evil smile began to grow.

"No, Dream, hey, let's talk about this!" Fundy let out a nervous laugh as he got to his feet and took a step back.

"Oh Fundy!" Dream shouted, and Fundy let out a yelp as he ran for his life.


After a whole day of setting up stalls and building up attractions, the festival was ready to come to life.

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