43: Restless

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TW! Mentions of underage drinking. Read with care! (:

It was four days before they could return to school.

Four long, arduous days of thinking about their father, and knowing that there was nothing that they could do to help him. Four days of going over the same details, over and over again, until they barely made sense anymore. Scott was kind to them, but they were hard on themselves.

They were allowed to have their phones back the day after Phil went missing, after the analysis team had determined that there was nothing out of place. The phone call Tommy made to Tubbo was one of the hardest ones in his life. Saying it all out loud just made it so much more real.

The drive to Montville was quiet. Scott tried to make small talk here and there, but none of the boys really had it in them to carry the conversation. It was easier to just put in their headphones and try to forget, but forgetting wasn't something that came easily.

Sam met them at the front office, alongside the headmaster and Hbomb. They had a talk about where to find them, and school counseling services and other useless things that didn't really matter. When they were allowed to go, they said goodbye to Scott and walked themselves to their dorms, just as they had on their very first day.

"We should have never come to this fuckin' school." Tommy said quietly as they turned the corner. "Dad would still be here if we didn't."

"Don't be an idiot." Techno said, but there was no anger to his words. "We don't know that he would. You only know Tubbo because of this school, don't you? You'd really go back on that?"

Tommy said nothing. He knew that his brother was right. He usually was.

"If I get any more calls, you'll be the first to know." Wilbur said tiredly as he reached his door. He looked at his brothers for a moment, and then raised two fingers in a salute before turning away and stepping into his room. Techno and Tommy kept going down the hall.

"You want me to walk you to your room?" Techno offered, glancing across to his little brother.

"I'm okay." Tommy said, no life to his words. "You should go find Dream. He's probably worried n' shit."

Techno stopped when he reached his door, but Tommy kept on walking.


Tubbo's face lit up when he stepped inside. "Hey!"

"Hey, Big T." Tommy did his best to smile, but it didn't carry to his eyes.

"You okay boss man?" Tubbo asked, a sympathetic look to his words.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Tommy said, giving his best friend a thumbs up. "Sorry I was gone so long and so suddenly."

"Water under the bridge." Tubbo waved it off. He crossed the room and picked something up from Tommy's nightstand. "I kept your camera safe!"

Tommy's heart panged, and he smiled. "Thanks Tubso." He carefully took it between his hands, turning it over and feeling the weight of it. It was familiar. He had really missed this. Snapping out of his daze, he turned back to Tubbo. "So, did I miss much?"

Before Tubbo could answer there was a quiet knock at that door. Tommy raised his eyebrows at his best friend, who was quick to shake his head in confusion. "Come in?"

The door creaked open, and there stood Ranboo, clutching a handful of flowers.

"What's up, Ranboo." Tommy finally sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Hey man." Ranboo said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great." Tommy said sarcastically. "What's up with the fuckin' flowers?"

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