25: Guessing

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Wilbur was so stuck in his own head that he almost forgot to turn off the car when he leapt out of it. Thankfully, he did, and even remembered to close the doors before he ran into the public school that he had never been to in his life.

He had no idea how he would find her. He knew that Sally went here, and he knew that it was lunch time because of all the students in the yard, but he didn't know where on earth she might be. And his phone was in his bag, which Phil still had.
He had been in such a rush to go that he hadn't even thought to grab it. The kids were giving him weird looks as he rushed past and he couldn't blame them. He probably looked a little unhinged, rushing through the campus like that.

He wanted to apologise. Oh, god, he needed to apologise. They'd been going out for almost two months and then he suddenly just ghosted her for a week. She might hate him. She probably would. It wouldn't be undeserved. He just needed to explain. She was too important to him to not explain.

"Wilbur?" That was most certainly not Sally's voice. It was far too deep, and far too British. Turning sharply, Wilbur stared at who he saw.

"Jack Manifold?" He said dumbly, his mouth falling open as the younger boy grinned and made his way over, pulling the earphones from his ears.

"Ayup Wil." Jack laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. He looked just as he had when they had gone to the same school. Same weird 3d glasses and everything.

"Ayup Jack." Wilbur let out a sharp laugh, shaking his head. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I go here now." Jack gave him a confused look. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm at Montville." He said, a relieved smile making its way onto his face. "I thought you changed states after Willow Park."

"Oh, yeah. Only for a month, then the parents moved us here." Jack shrugged. "I had no idea you were so close by. How's Tommy then, hm? And Techno, the pink haired fuck."

"They're good." Wilbur confirmed with a nod, looking past Jack at a group of girls and hoping that Sally might be amongst them. She wasn't.

"Are you looking for someone?" Jack asked, turning to follow Wilbur's gaze.

"Sally Solomon." Wilbur said quickly, snapping himself out of his daze. "I need to find her. Do you know where she is?"

"Oh, Sally?" He asked, recognition flashing in his eyes. "Yeah man, sure. Come on, she's probably just over here." Jack turned and began to walk through the schoolyard, leading an anxious Wilbur behind him, until they had crossed to a couple of benches occupied by a small group of girls about their age. And suddenly, there she was.

"Wil?" Her eyes were wide, full of shock, and her mouth hung ajar as she stared at him, the sandwich in her hands forgotten.

"Sally." The breath had been entirely knocked from his lungs. Even when she looked like she might just slap him across the face and walk away, she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He didn't even notice the group of girls staring at him. She stood, staring at him, and he began to ramble in that embarrassing way he always did.

"God, I am so sorry. You don't even know how sorry I am. I swear, I never would have ghosted you, never would have done that, I always want to text you back. Fuck, I would have done anything to make that date. I'm so sorry, I know that this is--" He was so caught up in his apology that he barley noticed as she stepped closer.

His breath halted in his throat as she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, and he looked down at her, not understanding why she was so close but just wanting to hold on and never let go. This is all that he had wanted for the last six days. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and stared into her perfect sea blue eyes.

"Wil." She said, so quietly that only he could hear.

"Yeah?" He whispered, praying that this wouldn't be the last time he got to hold her like this.

"You talk too much." She had a cute giggle to her words, and her nose scrunched slightly, making his heart absolutely melt.

"I know, I'm so--" He began, but she cut him off immediately, bringing her lips to his. The small crowd of her friends let out a string of laughs and cheers.
Jack stared at him, mouth ajar. "How the hell did you manage that one, mate?"

Wilbur flipped him off, keeping his eyes closed until the most beautiful girl in the world pulled away. "I missed you." He said, a breathless smile on his face.

"I missed you too." She said with a smile, taking him by the hand and leading him away from her friends, who shouted a couple of crude remarks that made the both of them laugh.

"I didn't know you knew Wil, Sal." Jack said, falling into step right beside them, despite his lack of invitation. Nobody really minded.

"I met him in town ages ago." She said with an easy smile. "You guys are old friends?"

"Oh, we go way back." Jack nodded, shooting Wilbur a sidewards glance. "I must say, you're looking a lot better than you did when I last saw you, mate."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, using his free hand to give the kid a playful shove. "Oh, sod off you prick."

"Why, where did he last see you?" Sally asked, her smile lingering.

"Oh, you're going to love this one Sal." Jack grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend. "It was in jail."

Sally let out a laugh, shaking her head and looking up at her boyfriend. "Ooh, a bit of a bad boy are you?"

"No, no." Wilbur shook his head, shoving Jack when he got a little too close. "Nothing like that."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, actually." He remarked as they arrived at a bench with no other teenagers nearby. "A bit of a wrong place at the wrong time situation. Jack only visited 'cause he was moving and wanted to say goodbye."

"What can I say," Jack began dramatically, "I'm just so nice to my friends."

Wilbur and Sally stared at him until he realised that it was no longer a three person conversation. "Right, I'll be off then. Nice to see you again Wil." He gave them a short wave before turning and walking back to wherever it was that he came from.

Wilbur waited a moment before turning back to Sally. "I really am so, so fucking sorry."

"It's alright, Wil." She reassured with that beautiful smile of hers.

"How are you so okay with this?" He asked, shaking his head and looking at her as though she had grown a second head. "I straight up ghosted you for a whole week. Didn't show up for our date. No calls, no texts. Practically fell off the face of the Earth."

"Well," She admitted, taking her phone from her pocket. "Tubbo did text me the footnotes about three minutes before you showed up."

Wilbur let out a breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding. "You...?"

She laughed her perfect laugh. "Yeah, I know everything. All about Phil being in the FBI, all about the death threats made about Tommy. And I understand why you couldn't have called. It's okay, Wil. I promise."

He stared at her, a warmth growing in his chest. She giggled, shaking her head slightly. "What?"

"You are so, so fucking beautiful." He whispered, gently cupping her face in one hand. Her cheeks reddened slightly, and she leaned into the touch. "Can I kiss you again?"

She nodded.

And so, he did.

back to our regularly scheduled plot next chapter, i promise

thank you guys so much for all the reads, votes and comments.literally every time i come back and publish the next chapter its gone up another thousand reads, like what?? how?? i appreciate it so, so much <3

thank you for reading!

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