36: Game Day

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"You know what, I think I preferred study hall." Wilbur murmured as he turned the page of his philosophy textbook with his free hand, his eyes numbly scanning the words on the page.

"Really?" George raised his eyebrows from a little ways down the table. "Why?"

"Because then we had direction. Specific homework to do. This is just mindless revision over and over again." Wilbur groaned, throwing his head back.
Sally chuckled, leaning her head on his shoulder and giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh, it's not so bad. Come on, read me Descartes again."

"God, he's so fuckin' whipped." Tommy muttered, his head resting on his arms.

"You really don't wanna study?" Techno asked once again, raising an eyebrow at his little brother.

"I'm very tired, Technoblade." Tommy said into the desk. "This whole training thing is utter shit."

Techno glanced at Dream, who let out a slight chuckle. "He'll get used to it. Especially when the hazing stops."

"Hazing?" Techno repeated, eyebrows raising slightly. He glanced back at Tommy for a moment. "What kind of hazing?"

"Don't worry, nothing like what you're thinking." Dream sighs, giving his friend a sympathetic shrug. "It's just that the other guys don't think he's proven himself yet. They go a bit harder on him in drills, don't pass him the ball unless there's literally no other option, stuff like that."

"I think I'd like to quit." Tommy said thoughtfully, head still buried in his arms.

"Don't quit." Wilbur groaned, finally tuning back into the conversation after trying to avoid it for so long. "C'mon man, your first game's tomorrow."

"They're just gonna bruise me and not pass the fuckin' ball." Tommy finally lifted his head, and stared at Wilbur.

Wilbur sighed, closing his philosophy textbook. It was clear that nobody down this end of the table would be studying until this was resolved. "Tommy I don't know shit about lacrosse, but I know that you spent all four weeks of the break practicing in the backyard. Come on. Don't tell me you're gonna give up, just because a couple of bullies are in your way?"

Tommy didn't say anything, instead picking at a cut on his finger. Techno reached over and slapped his hand. "Don't do that."

Tommy sighed loudly. "It's all just so hard. So much effort."

"You just gotta prove yourself, dude." Techno said with a knowing look in his eye. "You've done it before. What's stopping you from doing it again?"

"Just play this game." Dream reasoned finally, drawing everyone's attention. "Just give it your best shot. Me and Sapnap will try and make sure that it goes well, but if you really hate it, you can quit after."

Silence fell between them. Tommy looked thoughtful, like he was trying to make a hard decision. Eventually, it was Sally that broke it.

"We're gonna be right there in the stands, Tommy." She said, a gentle warmth to her voice. "Cheering you on, no matter what."

He looked at her, his gaze softening slightly. His brothers and Tubbo had to support him, but she didn't. Sally had to be telling the truth. "Really?"

"Of course!" Wilbur nodded, as though it were obvious. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, mate. Me, Techno, Tubbo and Sally are all going along with Phil. You're gonna have, like, an unofficial cheer squad or something."

"I am not dealing with pom poms." Techno said flatly, and the table broke into laughter.

Tommy looked around at his friends and brothers, and finally smiled. Yeah. They would be there, so even if he failed, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

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