17: Elevators

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Tommy hadn't seen Wilbur since lunch, where he had won twenty bucks in a bet. It was a satisfying twenty dollars at that, and Wilbur was less than thrilled to hand it over. He intended for it to go towards his meal the next time he was in town, which might be this weekend if there was nothing better to do.

It took him half an hour of aimless wandering, in which time he ran into Tubbo, who decided to tag along, but eventually they tracked the oldest Watson brother down. He was in a practice room with his guitar and a piano.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tubbo asked as Tommy reached for the door handle.

"Tubbo are you kidding me? This is a great idea. He loves the company, really."

Tommy swung the door open and Wilbur's head snapped up, instantly looking dismayed at his visitor. "Please leave."

Tubbo let out a loud laugh and Tommy scoffed as he stepped into the practice room. "So this is where you keep disappearing to? Wilbur, I hate to break it to you, but you're becoming predictable. Even Techno knew where you were."

"Probably because I'm not trying to hide it from anyone but you." Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Tomm-- hey! No, hands off." He reached out to swat the little gremlin away, but it was too late. He had already reached the piano and was tapping out that goddamn melody.

Megalovania. Fucking megalovania.

"Oh my god." Wilbur groaned, pressing his head into his crooked elbow that rested atop his guitar.

"Look Wilbur! Look, I'm playing the meme song!" Tommy commented, like the little shit he was. Wilbur reevaluated his decision to not murder his brother as an infant.

"I didn't know that you played music, Wil." Tubbo chirped, taking a seat on the second of the two plastic chairs.

Wilbur raised his head with a shrug. "Oh, yeah. Have for a long time."

"Wilburrrrr!" Tommy called, much more loudly than he had to. "Wilbur look! I'm playing 'da undertale song!"

"Oh my god." Wilbur stood and abruptly walked out of the practice room, taking his guitar with him. "Nope. Nope. If I stay in there I will commit a homicide."

He heard the practice room door open and began to run, shaking his head as he heard Tommy calling his name again. Thankfully, the practice room was on the third story of the music pavilion, and there was an elevator at the end of the hall. Unfortunately, it was already closing.

Without a single thought in his head, Wilbur sprinted for the closing doors, managing to leap inside just before they closed. He heard his brother yell something about cheating, and then the doors were closed and he could breathe again.

"Woah man, high speed chase going on?" Said a new voice, and Wilbur almost jumped out of his skin. There was someone else in the elevator. Oh my god. Yeah. He could just about die of embarrassment right here. He turned to the other person with an apologetic smile.

"So sorry about that."

The kid laughed. He was significantly shorter than Wilbur, and wore a beanie similar to the one on his head. "Nice hat."

"Oh, thanks. And to you too." Wilbur rested the bottom of his guitar on his shoe and waited for the elevator to complete its slow descent. It whirred for a few moments, and he could feel it moving down. Then it shuddered and completely stopped.

"Uhhhh." The other kid let out a nervous laugh, leaning across and pressing the button for the first floor. Nothing happened. He tried the button that opened the door and the elevator lurched sharply.

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