31: Buried

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The first thing that they did when they got home was unload all of their things and immediately leave the house.

Phil threw some money and his car keys at them and told them to be out of his hair for at least two hours, so that he could set up their beds and organise something for dinner, and he heard no arguments from the six teenagers, who eagerly rushed out the door and into the car.

Wilbur started driving before they had any sort of idea as to where they were going. He gave Tommy the aux, and, much to his pleasure, the gremlin played some actually decent music. Wilbur was glad that he hadn't spent all that time sending him youtube links for nothing.

They ended up seeing a movie and eating far too much icecream and candy, and then they headed to a park, where they climbed the monkey bars and sat on the top, like the cool kids always did in elementary school. They talked about the awful plot of the horror movie they had seen, and picked holes in it until there was little to no sense left.

Eventually, as the sun was starting to set, Phil called Techno and asked for them to return home, and so everyone piled back into the car and Wilbur made the short trip home. Everyone sat up and ate tacos for dinner, and they spent the meal regaling Phil with stories from boarding school that they hadn't yet had the chance to tell.

After dinner, the great shower rotation began. Seeing as there was only one bathroom with a shower, they really had to order themselves and wait their turn. Tubbo went first, followed by Tommy, and the two retreated to what would be their shared room for the next four weeks.

"Oh, this is so cool!" Tubbo exclaimed as he climbed into the hammock Phil had rigged up for him. "I can swing and shit!"

"Dream's online." Tommy reported as he entered their Minecraft server, his laptop propped up on a hardcover book in his lap.

"I bet he misses us." Tubbo called, half hanging out of the hammock.

"We should make a group chat." Tommy suggested, looking up at his friend.

Tubbo's eyes lit up. "Brilliant idea."

They'd never really needed one until then. They lived together, so any messages that were sent were sent in dm's. But now, a group chat made sense. So they added everyone into an Instagram group, and sent the first message.

Tommyinnit: hey

Tubbo_: helloooooo

Almost immediately, there was a response.

Karljacobs: oooh a group chat

Karljacobs: good idea!

Tommyinnit: thank you karl

Tommyinnit: i only have good ideas, never bad

Tubbo_: voich

Tommyinnit: thank you tubbo

Sapnap: aww tommy, missing us already?

Tommyinnit: no

Tommyinnit: i would never miss you sapnap

Sapnap: :(

Tubbo_: i would :)

Sapnap: :)

Georgenotfound: ew

Georgenotfound: sapnap how do i leave the chat

QuackityHQ: gogy no ):

Tommyinnit: george if you think you can simply leave you are wrong and that is funny

Down the hall, Techno was collecting up his things and preparing to head to the shower. Fundy was plugging his chargers into the outlet by the spare mattress, when he accidentally slipped and knocked Techno's nightstand. He let out a gasp and tried to catch what he could as all its contents fell to the ground loudly.

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