32: Stars

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It's not like Tommy regretted getting in that dumb fight last week, but holy hell he had left with some considerable injuries.

"Feelin' alright there Tommy?" Phil asked as he walked past, glancing up with a slight smirk. If his son wasn't going to tell him what had really happened, he was sure as hell going to remind him that he was an idiot.

"Fuck off." Tommy muttered, picking at the large scab that had formed over the gash on his arm.

Sally let out a light laugh, brushing some of her pinkish-orange hair out of her eyes as she watched Phil make his way to the front door.

He turned, and clasped his hands together, grabbing the attention of the room full of teenagers. "Right. I'll be out late tonight, but given that you're all at least fifteen and there's six of you, I trust that you'll be alright. Normal phone for normal problems, work phone for emergencies, yada yada yada, you get the drill."

"Pizza money?" Techno asked, earning an eager look from Tubbo.

"Right." Phil gave him a thankful nod, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and fishing out a wad of cash. He scanned the kids for a moment, thinking things over, before giving it to Techno. "Techno, they won't listen to you but you're in charge."

Techno raised an eyebrow in the most monotone and sarcastic voice ever. "Gee, thanks Phil."

Tommy and Wilbur shared a look that wasn't shared often between the two of them, but was probably the most dangerous look that they knew. Techno's eyes widened slightly. "Heh? No, Phil, don't you dare. Get back here."

"Gotta go! Work calls!" Phil shouted as he made his way for the door.

"You just signed my death certificate, what do you--" Techno began, but the slamming of the front door sealed his fate. He looked out across the livingroom. Sally was glancing between the three brothers, a soft smile on her face, while Fundy was slowly scooting away from the side of the couch with Techno on it. Tubbo was taking Tommy's camera between his hands and preparing to capture the moment.

Tommy and Wilbur glanced at one another one more time before they shrugged and dove for Techno. Techno let out a screech and leapt off the couch, clasping the cash in his hand. "No! Fuck off, you absolute children!"

Tommy jumped onto his back and made a grab for the money, but Techno's arm was slightly too long. With a grunt, Techno reached out and caught Wilbur's shirt tightly, only just managing to hold him back. "Techno you are delaying the inevitable." Wilbur said flatly, making another grab for the money. Techno blocked him with his forearm.

"Hand it over, bitch!" Tommy shouted, struggling to stay on his brother's back.

Sally, and Fundy laughed loudly at the scene before them as Tubbo snapped a couple of pictures with a wide grin on his face.

"Why are they like this?" Fundy asked as Tommy let out a shrill scream before being met by the floor.

"Genetics." Tubbo shrugged as Wilbur walked away with the cash, victorious in his quest.


"See, this is the issue with letting Wilbur order the pizza." Techno complained, looking down at the disgusting combination of toppings he had ordered.

"Oh, sod off will you." Wilbur rolled his eyes. "We got three, you're just mad we didn't get that fancy avocado one."

Techno grumbled as he grabbed a couple of slices and returned to the livingroom.

Tommy was only half eating his pizza, mostly paying attention to his phone.

"Tommy could you stop arguing with the group chat, my phone is going off non stop in my pocket." Wilbur complained, taking a good bite of his ideal pizza type.

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