58: Years End

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"Look, how cool is that!" Wilbur exclaimed, one hand on Ranboo's shoulder and the other pointing out at the rock formation at the bottom of the waterfall. "It's hundreds of years of erosion, just to get to this point."

Ranboo nodded along, watching intently. "That's actually crazy to think about."

"I know, right!" Wilbur let out a laugh. "Come on, let's see if we can get down there a bit closer."

Ranboo smiled and followed his friend down towards the waters edge.

The rainforest was beautiful. He was so glad that he'd gone along on the Sunday activity, even though he had to get up a little earlier than he usually would have liked to on a weekend.

It was only a small group of kids that had decided to come along, but that added to it. It was a calm and quiet place, and too many people would have made it too noisy. Ranboo let out a gasp as he almost slipped on the rocks and fell face first into the water, only just managing to catch himself on a tree.

Wilbur let out a laugh as he reached for him, pulling him away from the edge. "Careful, mate. Don't wanna fall in."

"Thanks." Ranboo laughed, smiling sheepishly.

The two boys came to a stop by the bottom of the waterfall. Ranboo's eyes widened at just how big the rocks were. They'd looked so much smaller from above.

"This is so cool." He breathed.

Wilbur grinned. "I know, right? What a way to end the year."

And Ranboo had to agree. He couldn't think of a better way to spend his last weekend before the year was over.


"Are you guys gonna sneak off now?" Tommy asked as the small group walked through the town centre.

"Yeah, probably." Techno agreed, pushing some loose hair from his eyes. "Might have to grab some dye first, but then we'll be off?" He angled the question towards Sally, who nodded happily.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Alright, well we're gonna go to the camera shop." Tommy announced, giving Tubbo a nudge.

"Yep!" Tubbo smiled.

"See you back at like four?" Tommy asked as the group stopped walking, ready to split off.

"See you then." Techno agreed with a smile. "I have my phone on, call me if you need anything."

"I got it." Tommy nodded, bringing two fingers up to give his brother a little salute as he and Tubbo turned and started to walk away.

Sally let out a soft laugh as she and Techno made their way towards the pharmacist. "Look at you, being all nice to Tommy."

"I don't do 'nice' Techno said as they stepped inside.

"I wholeheartedly disagree." Sally led him to the hair dye aisle.

The pair spent a good fifteen minutes comparing colours to Techno's hair before settling on the closest match and making their way to the register to pay.

They walked to Sally's house in the afternoon sun, chatting about Wilbur's set yesterday at the festival, their finishing dates for the semester and their holiday plans. Sally was once again coming to stay with them for at least two weeks, hopefully more.

Techno told her about Tommy's desire to go to the beach again, and they agreed that they absolutely needed to make another beach day happen.

By the time they arrived at Sally's house, they were smiling and laughing like old friends.

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