33: Bad Decisions

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The second week of the semester break was spent sleeping in, watching movies and occasionally venturing out into the real world for snacks and activities. It was relaxing. Everyone fell into an easy routine of staying up late, sleeping until the afternoon, and spending the remaining daylight doing stupid teenager things.

Wilbur introduced Sally to Schlatt and Charlie, who couldn't believe that he had actually managed to convince a girl quite so beautiful to go out with him. Tommy was absolutely thrilled to see his brothers friends again.
He was a very big fan of Schlatt, and was quick to introduce Tubbo so that they could both hang out with the older kids. Fundy got along well with everyone, so it was great to go for a late night drive to all their favourite hangout spots from their home town.

The second week was spent exploring the sites of the town, eating junk food and spending far too much time together, pushing the limits of the rules. It was nice to be free to do what they wanted, to wear their own clothes every day and get up no earlier than ten o'clock each morning.

Time almost went too quickly. Fundy's parents made it back to the country when the semester break was supposed to start, and so he went home, promising to talk every day in the group chat and see everyone in a few short weeks.

It was a bit quieter without him. Even Techno, who had never been thrilled about sharing his personal space with anyone, found it harder to sleep at night without his soft breathing there to fill the silence.

And then, after a full two weeks of kids being kids, the boredom set in. And, as they usually do when bored, Wilbur and Tommy made some questionable decisions.

"Hows the movie?" Tommy whispered into his phone, peering around the stack of pallets. Wilbur slapped him on the arm for being so loud.

"It's not bad." Tubbo hummed at a normal volume. "Probably less interesting than going for snacks. Are you at the supermarket yet?"

Tommy peered out at the darkened warehouse, cringing as he saw the police officers and heard them talking amongst themselves about finding the two idiot teenagers who had broken in and tripped the alarms. "Not exactly."

"Why are you whispering?" Tubbo asked, his voice more casual than it probably should have been.

"Get off the phone!" Wilbur whisper-yelled, giving his brother a light shove and shaking his head aggressively.

"Gotta go." Tommy whispered into the phone. "I'll get your twizzlers, don't worry. Back soon!"

"Okay. Bye!" Tubbo said cheerfully, and with that the phone call had ended.

"How goddamn stupid can you be?" Wilbur growled as he slapped the back of Tommy's head and looked between the gap in the pallets. The police had split up now. If they stayed where they were, it was only a matter of time until they got caught. "Who the hell brings a phone into an abandoned warehouse?"

"We were meant to be getting snacks!" Tommy whisper-yelled right back, throwing his hands up to emphasise his point. "You're the genius who decided to commit a felony!"

"This is hardly a felony." Wilbur scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Misdemeanor at most. And you agreed that we should check it out, you absolute moron!"

"Well of course I did! What am I meant to say, hm? 'No, Wilbur, that would be irresponsible and stupid, we should not'-- I sound like Dad!" Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes and dropping his hands. Of course, he wasn't paying too much attention to where they landed. His hands hit the pallet, and dull thud could be heard. Tommy and Wilbur froze, staring at one another with wide eyes.

There was silence for a beat, and then footsteps moving towards them. Wilbur shared a look with his younger brother.

"Hey!" Came the unfamiliar voice of one of the officers. A cluster of footsteps came towards them.

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