28: Break

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Breakfast was an informal event, in which it was announced that Montville would be closing down the following morning.

The headmaster reassured everyone that their parents or guardians had been called, and that travel arrangements would be made for those in uncertain situations. Classes were cancelled until the next semester, and exams would be pushed back to a couple of weeks in, once everyone had attended enough classes to properly revise.

The worst thing about the whole situation was the not being allowed back in the dorms. Firemen in protective gear were able to go room to room and pack up what looked to be important-- things like clothes and electronics, but it was inevitable that they would miss one or two things.

With everyone's things packed and their bags left in the dining hall, they spread out to spend some time with their friends before the sudden break. Dream and Sapnap took Tommy down to the oval, where they gave him a rundown of how to use a lacrosse stick properly and put him through his paces.

Wilbur, Niki, Karl and Alex went to a practice room in the music pavilion and played a couple of cover songs without really learning them. Tubbo and Fundy found an old PC and took to pulling it apart for scrap, and George narrated it badly, with no knowledge of any of it. Techno took a nap.

Around midday Sam offered to take them into town, and everyone agreed that it would be a nice change of pace, though Tommy was mildly irritated about not being able to take a shower after getting all gross and sweaty, but Wilbur assured him that he'd survive.

The group meandered through the town, bouncing from store to store without really buying anything. They stopped for lunch at their favourite cafe, where Sally and Jack Manifold met them, having just gotten out for the mid-year break. Tommy was elated to see his old friend again, and promptly took to bullying him with Techno and Tubbo.

After they ate, everyone split off and went their separate ways, vowing to meet up later.

Tommy picked up some developed film, and then he, Tubbo and Jack headed to the arcade, where they spent far too much money trying to get enough tickets for a toy gun.

Wilbur, much to his dismay, was dragged by Sally, Niki and Techno into a pharmacy, where they spent the longest time discussing hair dye brands.

Outside, Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, George, Dream and Fundy were playing an overcomplicated game of tag that Dream had invented when he was younger, and perfected with the help of Sapnap and George over several long summers.

Techno stepped out of the pharmacy with a bag of jellybeans in hand and a packet of hair dye tucked under his arm, only to be almost bowled over by Karl, who let out a shriek as he went down, grasping for anything to catch himself on, but only finding Techno's sleeve. The two boys crumpled to the ground, thankfully managing to save Techno's sugary snack.

"Sorry." Karl laughed sheepishly, untangling his legs from the other boys.

"Got somewhere to be?" Techno asked, pulling himself to his feet and offering Karl a hand up.

"We're playing this game of tag, but it's like, a thousand times more intense." Karl panted, accepting the hand up and getting to his feet, dusting his jeans off and offering one more sheepish smile.

"Oh?" Techno raised an eyebrow, offering his friend his bag of jellybeans. Karl's eyes lit up slightly as he accepted, tossing an orange one into his mouth.

"Yeah. Dream came up to it, because he's a freaking madman or something--" Karl cut himself off, clearing his throat. "Basically, there's two teams. Most people are hunters, but a few are runners. You gotta survive."
"I take it you're a runner then?" Techno asked, the amusement clear in his tone.

"What gave it away?" Karl asked jovially. His face fell as George rounded the corner and locked eyes with him. With a shriek, Karl took off running.

"Over here!" George shouted, sprinting after his friend. "Oh, hey Techno." He was already gone before Techno could reply.

Letting out a light chuckle, Techno popped another jellybean into his mouth before continuing on his way.

Across town, Dream was running for his life. Darting around people and lampposts, twisting through the alleyways and hurdling fences as though his pursuers would kill him if they caught up enough. He could hear the shouts of Fundy and Alex as they followed him down the street.

He turned the corner sharply, only to be tackled by Sapnap, who was seemingly waiting for him. Dream let out a shout as his best friend pinned him to the ground, struggling and trying to shove him off, but it was too late. With a victorious laugh, Sapnap's hand closed around the pendant necklace Dream was wearing around his neck, and tugged it loose.

"Ha! You lose, Dream!" Sapnap grinned, holding the pendant up in victory.
Dream groaned, shoving his friend off him and sitting up. "Yeah, yeah. You get this one. Only because I didn't sleep last night."

"Yes!" Quackity cheered as he rounded the corner, throwing his fists in the air. "Yes! You lose, green boy!"

"Isn't that a Wilbur thing?" Fundy asked, his head tilting slightly to one side.

"Is it?" Sapnap asked, helping Dream to his feet and handing him back the pendant, which he slipped into his pocket.

"Not sure." Dream shrugged, letting out a sigh. He was never a fan of losing, but that didn't mean he head to be a bad sport. "I mean Fundy, you'd know."

"Why would I know?" Fundy asked, eyebrows drawing together in silent question.

"You're his son."

"Oh my god." Fundy deadpanned, throwing his head back and letting out a loud noise of protest. Everyone else burst into hysterics.

little bit of a filler chapter on this one, but there's more plot in the next  i promise lmao

if anyone has any ideas/requests/theories or anything to do with this story, please leave a comment and let me know! I cant guarantee that i'll use ideas that are given, but if i do i'll be sure to tag you (:

thanks for reading!

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