42: Aftermath

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Today wasn't the worst day of Techno's life, but it certainly came close.

His father's office was quiet and well organised. Everything had a place, and everything belonged. It was a look into his mind, a visual representation of how he thought, what he held close and what he deemed okay to leave behind.

His desk had a case file on it, but Scott had taken that before Techno or his brothers could even open the manila envelope. Techno could hear Scott and Wilbur arguing just outside now. He watched as Tommy slowly paced around the antique oak wood desk and carefully took a seat behind it. Right where Phil sat during his work days.

The computer was locked, but that didn't stop Tommy from trying to guess the password. His eyes wandered as he typed, looking over the picture frames and name plate that his father kept just out of arms reach.

Techno took a seat on the sofa. He clasped his hands together, his thumbs tracing the burn marks, and tried his best not to think. Thinking never got him anywhere in situations like this.

Thinking was what got Skeppy killed. Such a rushed and pointless death for such an important person.

"Wilbur, I know this is hard." Scott was saying in the hallway. "Believe me. I know. Phil is my partner. My best friend--"

"He's my fucking dad, Smajor!" Wilbur shouted over him.

Techno closed his eyes. This whole thing was too much.

When his mother had died, he had been devastated. He knew it was coming, they all did, and yet when death finally came for her, she went so quickly. He remembered the long days sitting by her hospital bed, reading to her or helping her colour in colouring books with cheap markers and crayons. He remembered the day that she had stopped breathing, and how horrible it was to watch it happen.

He didn't know if he could survive losing anyone else.

"Techno, look." Tommy's voice. Techno broke out of his thoughts, his head snapping up. Tommy was sitting behind his father's desk, holding up a picture frame. Techno slowly stood and paced across to him to get a better look.

It was a picture that they'd drawn together a very long time ago. With crayon scribbles in the background that were clearly the work of three year old Tommy combined with slightly more dignified stick figures and blocks of colour, drawn in by Wilbur and Techno. Techno smiled faintly. "Do you remember making this?"

Tommy shook his head. "Was it before Mum got sick? Or after?"

"During." Techno said, a slight shrug on his shoulders. "We did this in the hospital with her. I think Dad was downstairs getting lunch. God, hospital food is terrible."

"I know." Tommy huffed a slight laugh and a nostalgic smile. "I spent two months in there with you last year."

Techno looked down at his little brother, who handled the frame so carefully as he replaced it on the desk. Tommy was too young to lose someone else. Techno steeled his resolve. He'd do anything to protect him. Whatever it takes. He gently ruffled his blonde hair. "You okay?"

Tommy shrugged, slumping back in the chair. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine."

Techno's chest tightened. He offered him a small smile as he paced around to the other side of the desk and fell into the chair across from him.

He wouldn't let Tommy suffer alone.


Despite Wilbur's loud argument with Scott, the resolve that was reached wasn't what any of them wanted.

"It's all I have for now." Scott said, an apologetic smile on his lips as he gestured to the guest room. "I'll get some better furniture in the morning, I promise."

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