11: Finally, a Break

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Despite the abrupt disruption to their lives, the Watson brothers fell into the routine of Montville Academy pretty easily.

The days started early, and were filled with classes and study, with less free time than they were used to, but they were better days than any of them had predicted. Every day they would go down to breakfast and eat together, as a family and as a group of friends. They would attend their classes, which were as good as highschool classes could be, and when the day was over they would spend time with their friends.

In the evenings they would go to study hall, where they would complete their homework from the day, and then they would spend more time with their friends doing all the stupid teenager things that they loved to do. When bedtime came around, they were almost tired enough to sleep, which was saying something for the Watsons.

Their undercover minecraft circuit was ready within a couple of days, and true to his word, Dream was able to get a server up and running. Their odd little group of friends was brought closer by spending hours trying to kill each other or their pets (thanks Sapnap).

When the weekend came around, the boys met up in the dining hall at ten to a far emptier room than usual.

"Who died?" Tommy asked, taking a bite of eggs and a sip of juice. The food was nothing short of delicious, when you knew what to pick.

"Nobody died." George snorted. "It's just the weekend."

"Do people not eat on weekends?" Wilbur quirked an eyebrow, glancing up from his phone, which was allowed on any day that wasn't allocated for school.

"A lot of people left early for the weekend activity." Tubbo offered, finishing off his bowl of cereal. "But it wasn't a good one. Didn't you guys check the notice board?"

"We have notice boards?" Tommy stared at him.

"Yeah! In the common rooms." Tubbo laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry, I forget that you're new. Yeah the notice boards post the weekend activities each week, and you can do them if you want."

"What was this weekends activity?" Techno asked, speaking up for the first time in a while. Even when he was allowed to sleep in, he wasn't a morning person.

"A craft workshop at the library." Tubbo said nonchalantly.

Wilbur and Tommy shared a look of distaste, and then the older of the two asked the question. "And that's a popular activity?"

"Eh." Tubbo shrugged. "There's a couple of shops nearby, so some people go for those. That's where Fundy is, he probably wanted to go to the computer shop. Oh, and the wifi there isn't monitored, so you can do whatever you want on the computers."

"And practice is on now too." George noted. "That accounts for a lot of the empty chairs."

Tommy glanced at where Dream and Sapnap usually sat, wrinkling his nose slightly. "Of course those meatheads play sports. Fuckin' losers."

"Oh, because minecraft is so much better?" Wilbur challenged, a playful glint to his eye. His focus shifted to Techno. "Oh, and pay up."

Techno heaved a heavy sigh and fished around in his pocket, producing a twenty dollar note. "I was really hoping you forgot about that."

"Wait, what the fuck? Twenty? What was it?" Tommy demanded, his mouth ajar and his eyes wide.

"I said you would make fun of Dream and Sapnap for playing sports within the first week." Wilbur stuffed his newly acquired money into the pocket of his jeans.

"You guys bet on eachother a lot." Tubbo noted, finishing off his breakfast and folding his cutlery neatly on the plate.

"That's cos' Tommy does lots of stupid shit, Tubbo." Wilbur explained, closing his phone and leaning on the table.

"It keeps things interesting." Techno shrugged, taking a long sip of his coffee.

"And Wilbur's a gullible bitch, so it's easy money." Tommy nodded.

"I've never seen siblings act like you guys do." George sounded almost impressed. Possibly a little terrified.

"We've been to a lot of schools." Techno offered. "And usually we're out of there pretty quickly."


"We're what some might consider, problem kids." Tommy sounded less ashamed than he should. "What are we at now, Wil? Four schools in three years?"

"Five now." Wilbur nodded. "If we include this one."

Tubbo looked almost amazed. "Woah. You guys really cause that much trouble?"

"Ravenwood was Tommy's fault." Techno interjected sharply.

"It was not!"

"Oh, you're really gonna try and pin that on me? I was a saint for all three months of Ravenwood!"

"You're such a bitch Techno, you know that?"

"We're a bit of a package deal." Wilbur spoke over the top of his bickering brothers. "Our dad wanted to keep us together. We don't usually make many friends."

Tubbo's head tilted to the side slightly, asking a silent question.

"You're the exception." Wilbur admitted. And it was true. The little group that they had carved out for themselves felt natural, it felt good. They got along so well that Wilbur could hardly believe that they had only met five days ago.


After practice was over, Dream and Sapnap met up with Tommy and took him out to the lacrosse field to let him have a go with the equipment. Tubbo accompanied them, and was more than shocked when Tommy handed him his camera.

"What?" Tommy asked, his brow crinkled with confusion as Tubbo stared at him with wide eyes and carefully cradled the camera. Behind them, Dream and Sapnap were bringing the lacrosse gear out from the storage shed.

"You're giving me your camera?" Tubbo asked, unsure. He had never seen anyone but Tommy touch his camera, not even Wil or Techno. And Tommy brought this camera with him everywhere. Well, everywhere except for classes.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked, even more confused than before. "You can take a couple of pictures with it, if you'd like."

Tubbo's eyes widened. "Really?"

Tommy let out a laugh. "Yeah, man. Relax. It's just a camera, it's not that difficult." He took it back and turned it over, pointing to the focus dials and explaining how they worked, and how to use them.

Tubbo nodded and tried to take it all in, unable to wipe the smile from his face. Tommy was trusting him with his camera. He couldn't believe it. This was a huge deal.

"-So when everything's sharp, pull this little bit back and press down up here." Tommy concluded, showing the motions, completely oblivious to Tubbo's excitement. "Got it?"

"Got it." Tubbo confirmed, carefully taking it back and pulling the strap over his neck.

"Get some cool shots." Tommy suggested with a smile as he turned and headed back to Dream and Sapnap, who were waiting for him with the gear.


Okay, so maybe lacrosse was harder than it looked.

Tommy had been going and going for so long, that when he slipped on a stray patch of mud and fell on his back with a thud, he didn't bother trying to get up. He panted, staring up at the clear blue sky.

He could hear Sapnap's laugh, and then his head poked into view. "Not as easy as it looks, is it?"

"Shut up." Tommy grumbled as Dream also appeared with an amused chuckle.

"Are you done for today?" He asked, offering a hand up.

Tommy accepted it, grunting as he was pulled to his feet. "Yeah, yeah I'm done."

"Are you ready to admit that I'm better than you?" Sapnap asked sweetly, leaning on his lacrosse stick.

Tommy snorted. "In your dreams."

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