37: Exams

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"Can someone kill me please?" Fundy asked, sounding pretty much done with life. "Preferably before the exam starts."

"But Fundy if I kill you, who will kill me?" Wilbur asked with a hefty sigh.

"Ranboo." Fundy supplied, and they both glanced at the boy with the two-tone hair that the school was definitely not happy about.

"Oh, god. No thank you. No murder for me." He said, holding his hands up in defence.

Wilbur and Fundy sighed collectively.

"What are we sighing about?" Tommy asked as he and Tubbo entered the common room in their everyday clothes, with books tucked under their arms.

"Ranboo won't kill me." Wilbur said, sounding rather sad about it all.

"Wow Ranboo." Tubbo joked. "How selfish of you."

"Please don't harass my brother about murder." Niki sighed, closing her laptop and getting up.

"You heading off?" Wilbur asked as she made her way to the door.

"Yeah, German is in half an hour." She forced a small smile. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck!" Everyone chorused as she left the room.

"How was English?" Fundy asked Tommy and Tubbo.

"Shit," Tommy said as Tubbo said "it was alright,". Everyone nodded and moved on.

It was a weird kind of environment at Montville this week. Classes were off for the next two days to allow everyone time to sit their exams, meaning that there were no uniforms and no obligations, aside from their tests. It was relaxed, yet stressful.

Wilbur turned back to his laptop and went over his quizlet for geography. He couldn't really focus. There was too much on his mind.

Last night had been a bad night for him. The most intense panic attack for a while, to say the least. He wasn't sure what had caused it. He was getting better, after all. That's what was so weird about it. That's what made it so draining.

Breaking him out of his trance, Punz walked in with Dream and George, already deep in discussion.

"Yeah, for sure." Dream agreed, tossing his textbooks onto an empty couch. "See you at practice?"

"Sounds good." Punz confirms, turning to walk out, but stopping briefly. "Hey Tommy."

"Hey Punz." Tommy returned, giving him a friendly wave and a slight smile as he made his way out of the common room.

"Look at you, making friends." Ranboo said with a wide smile.

"Fuck off, Ranboo." Tommy scoffed.

"I told you, Punz just takes a while to come around." Dream said as he and George sat on another one of the couches.

"Well, I'm about to head off." Wilbur sighs, closing his computer and collecting up his textbooks. "Geography's in fifteen minutes."

"Oh, you'll be fine then." Tommy murmured, flicking through a textbook, obviously looking for something in particular. "You're like, a geography god."

Wilbur smiled a small smile. He was so sweet when he wasn't focusing on being himself. "Thanks Tommy."

Shortly after Wilbur left, Tommy yawned loudly. "I think I might have a nap."

"Since when do you nap?" Fundy asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"Bitch, napping is a gift from the gods themselves. I have always been a big napper." Tommy half shouted across the room.

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