56: Family

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The weather was getting warmer.

It had been a long winter, but spring was finally arriving. The bitter cold had melted away, leaving a warm breeze and sunny days.

The grass was soft and comfortable. It was a universal agreement that this was the best spot to eat lunch, and as soon as the weather was warm enough, everyone started meeting out in their spot on the oval.

Tommy threw up finger guns as he arrived, Ranboo in tow. "Whaddup, losers?" He dropped his blazer down onto the ground and then took a seat between Tubbo and George.

"Tommy the kids table is on the other side of the field." George pointed to the end of the oval.

"George I will literally just kill you." Tommy shot right back. Everyone else continued on with their conversations.

"Fundy this is so fucking cool." Quackity laughed as Fundy drove his little robot around. The orange haired boy let out a laugh and smiled a toothy grin.

"Fuck off!" Sapnap screamed as the robot almost picked up his phone and rolled away with it.

Quackity and Fundy laughed even harder.

"So you mean you've been teaching him things too?" Techno arched an eyebrow and glanced across at Tommy.

"He's smarter than he looks." Dream snorted, taking a bite of his lunch wrap. He chewed for a moment, and then spoke again. "I've just been showing him basic fighting stuff. Where to put your feet, how to throw a punch. More self defence than anything else."

"I've been showing him fencing." Techno deadpanned. Dream choked on his lunch. "Kid's gonna be overbuff."

"I'm pretty sure it's a G." Wilbur frowned slightly as Niki handed off her guitar. "Listen." He played the progression, swapping out the B for a G. They both frowned.

"Still not right."


"Yo, Tommy," Techno called over the group of friends.

"What's up?" Tommy raised his head, mouth full of food.

"You didn't think to mention to Dream that I was already showing you fencing?"

Tommy's mouth twisted up into what he would deny is a smug smile. "Well, I mean, it's not like I lied or anything."

"Tommy, dude, you're playin' the system."

"Ayyy!" Wilbur cheered as he played some weird half diminished variant of the G chord. Niki clapped her hands in excitement. "There it is. Fucking weird little chord that one, isn't it?"

"Ranboo I think that platonic marriage is the key to life." Tubbo said seriously.

"Tubbo, I don't want to platonically marry you." Ranboo tried.

"But it would be so funny."



Fundy let out a shrill laugh as his robot hooked Karl's phone off the ground and began to run away with it. Quackity had his phone out, recording the whole thing.

"Sorry, Technoblade, did you just say that Tommy's learning fencing and self defence?" Wilbur asked, turning sharply to his bother.

"Not my idea." Techno said firmly, holding his hands up.

"Fuck off Sapnap!" George shouted, shoving Sapnap off of him as his best friend tried to take a bite of his sandwich.

All was right with the world.

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