34: Beach Episode

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"And if I hear about any fucking police getting involved," Phil sent a harsh look to Wilbur and Tommy, who both cringed slightly under his gaze, "I'll never let you out of the house again. Understand?"

Everyone murmured their understanding. Even Sally and Tubbo. Phil was scary when he was serious. It was at times like this that you could see how he was an FBI agent. Phil's face lightened up after that. He put on a warm smile. "Alright, off you go. Have fun! Say hi to everyone for me, and if anything goes wrong I've got both my phones on me."

"Thanks Dad." Wilbur grinned as he climbed into the drivers seat. Sally gave him a wave through the half-rolled down window

"Bye!" Tubbo called as he barreled into the back, clambering over Tommy to get to the middle seat. Techno gave him a smile and a look that read 'this should be fun' before taking the last seat in the back of the car, and closing the door.

With all passengers inside and the doors closed, Wilbur started the engine and pulled out of the driveway as Sally fiddled around with the AUX, trying to hook up his phone. After a moment, there was a click, and an upbeat song with electric guitar began to play. Wilbur grinned into the rear view mirror.

"Woooo! Beach day!" He called, a wide smile on his face.

"Beach day!" Tommy and Tubbo cheered, rolling down the window on Tommy's side to get the breeze into their hair.


Look, Wilbur never really prided himself on navigation, but that didn't mean he was about to take Techno's help. Mr Human GPS's backseat driving was absolutely not going to happen. And sure, maybe they went to three wrong beaches before finally finding the right one, but they got there in the end, and that's what really mattered.

"Took you long enough!" Quackity called, a shrill laugh in his voice as the group finally arrived.

"Wilbur really, really wanted to do the directing." Techno said with a sly grin that made Alex burst out laughing.

"Big Q!" Tommy cheered, waving as he and Tubbo ran over with all their beach equipment.

"Look who finally decided to show up." George laughed, wandering over with Dream, Sapnap and Karl.

"You guys didn't forget how to read clocks in the three weeks since we've had classes, did you?" Karl said seriously, fighting off a grin.

"Niki!" Wilbur cheered, his face breaking into a wide smile. Sally's face lit up as well as they spotted their friend, and she waved as she headed over, a boy that neither of them recognised trailing behind her.

"Wil, Sally!" She beamed, giving them each a hug that was returned, despite the warmth of the day. "How was your break? God, it's been ages since we were all together!"

"It was pretty good." Sally reported, glancing at Wilbur for his confirmation. Before the conversation could progress any further, Wilbur spotted Fundy laying out his towel and gasped dramatically.

"Fundy! My son!"

Fundy looked up and his face fell. "Oh god, we're still doing this?"

Wilbur was already bounding over, throwing an arm around his shoulders and putting on a voice. "How's my little champion?"

"I regret showing up." Fundy tried really, really hard not to laugh. It didn't work very well.

"You been staying out of trouble?" Dream asked Tommy, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

"I was never in trouble, you green bitch." Tommy retorted as Sapnap and George wandered over.

"I don't know Tommy, being arrested seems like trouble to me." Sapnap laughed.

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