44: Unspoken

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This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence. It also contains guns in a school setting. If this chapter is not for you, that is more than okay. Please read with care, and click off if this isn't something that you can do.

Tommy was in English when the alarm sounded and the intercom crackled to life.

"Code red. This is a lockdown. Possible shooter spotted on campus."

He had looked to Tubbo when the rest of the class had looked to Sam. "Alright guys, lights off, under the desks." Their head teacher had instructed, but Tommy wasn't even thinking about that. He was thinking about his brothers, and how worried he suddenly was to lose them too.

He was on his feet, and Tubbo was grabbing his arm. "Tommy?"

Tommy gave him a meaningful look that said a thousand things. Stay safe, it said. I love you, it said. Stay here, it said. "I'll be back in a minute."

Tubbo's eyes flashed with worry, but he let him go. When Tommy made his mind up, there was no stopping him. And Tubbo trusted him to make the right decisions.

Tommy made a b-line for the door, but Sam was blocking him, grabbing him by the arms. "Tommy, get under the desk."

"I need to go." Tommy said urgently, looking around Sam to the classroom door. He tried to move around his teacher, but he was blocked. "I need to find my brothers. They might not be safe."

"Tommy, they'll be fine." Sam had never sounded so serious. He started to push Tommy back towards his desk with Tubbo. "I need you here, under the table with Tubbo. Okay?"

"Sam I can't lose anyone else." Tommy's voice broke, and he hated it. He cleared his throat, looked away and tried again. "I need to be with them. I--I don't even care if I die, or whatever, I just need to be with them."

"Tommy go under the desk. Right now." Sam gave Tommy another push, and followed him back to the table. He waited until Tommy was sitting under it with Tubbo before crouching down. His voice was full of sympathy and understanding, his words soft and kind. "I know this is scary. But it's probably a drill, okay? It's going to be fine. As long as you stay right here, nothing bad will happen to you."

Tommy looked at the floor, and tried to blink away his tears.

A sudden loud bang sounded, and the entire class jumped. "Th-That doesn't sound like a drill." Tubbo whispered shakily, reaching out to grip onto Tommy's arm.

Sam was already elsewhere, moving to be with the kids who had been the most panicked by the noise.

Tommy forced his breathing to be normal. He looked at Tubbo and saw that his best friend was full of fear. "Do you have your phone on you?" He whispered.

Tubbo shook his head, a couple of stray tears leaking out of his eyes. Tommy felt around his pocket for a moment before producing his own phone. He handed it to Tubbo. "Text your parents. Just in case."

Tubbo sniffled as he took the phone, holding it tightly between his shaking hands. "What about you?"

Tommy managed to force a watery smile, even though it hurt. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears, and his voice shook. "I don't have anyone to say goodbye to except you, big man."

Tubbo barely stifled his sob as he threw his arms around Tommy, the phone clattering to the floor. Tommy returned the embrace, gripping tightly onto the back of Tubbo's blazer, because he knew that he might not be coming back. "I love you Tubbo." He whispered, closing his eyes and taking in everything. "And I'm sorry. You'll be okay. Just say here."

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