Spell To Lose a Love Forever

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the first spell

Details:                              A spell to discourage a lover. 

The first spell cast by the Charmed Ones, although Piper is the one who performed the actual ritual and spoke the words. 

This spell was supposed to vanquish the warlock Jeremy who was on his way to the Manor to kill them. The spell failed, since Jeremy was never in love with Piper. 

The spell did however slow him down considerably by painfully forcing thorns out through his skin from inside his body. 

The spell requires a single red rose with a thorn and a poppet

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The spell requires a single red rose with a thorn and a poppet. During the ritual the rose is attached to the poppet by driving the thorn through the area where a human being's heart would be.

Episode:                          S1E1 "Something Wicca This Way Comes"

CHARMED -  The Book of Shadows - Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now