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magical mortals 

Affiliation:                   Good and Evil 

Details:                         A human being that has magical powers. They are protectors of the innocent who vanquish demons and keep the world safe from evil. 

The term "witch" is genderless and be used for both male or female. Witches can be magical or simply witch practitioners. 


A magical witch is born with innate magic and usually has four basic powers:

1) Spellcasting - the ability to word and create spells

2) Potion-Brewing - the ability to charge potions with magical power for a certain outcome

3) Scrying - the ability to locate people and objects using a map and a crystal pendulum

4) Mediumship - the ability to see and communicate with ghosts and spirits

Thereafter a witch also has their own specific power, with is either active (like telekinesis) or passive (like premonitions). This power will grow stronger as they age and usually manifests itself at a young age, though some witches exhibit their power from the womb. Every power generally has its own trigger initially eg. panic, anger, fear etc.

Witches inherit their magic through family lines and blood relations.  In a set of siblings witches will inherit their powers based on seniority with the youngest often receiving the passive powers. The magic of a firstborn witch is said to be the strongest, so it would make sense that they would also receive the most effective active power. 

A witch's magic is tied to their emotions and powers can become unpredictable when a witch is in a highly emotional state such as anger, grief or sorrow etc. A witch's blood also contains their powers. 

Witches can be good or evil. Good witches follow the Wiccan Rede -- "An in it harm none, do what thy wilt". They protect the innocent and have a selfless instinct to help people in need. They only use their magic in the service of others, never for personal gain. Good witches also have familiars (cats, birds etc) to guide them initially. Good witches receive a whitelighter to guide and protect them as they become more versed int he craft. 

Good witches are immune to the effects of molecular immobilisation. 

Evil witches don't follow the Rede and use their magic as they desire, often to harm innocents. Evil witches do not have whitelighters or darklighters to guide them and they will generally worship demons in order to augment their powers. 

Evil witches are sometimes synonymous with "warlocks" but are not actually one and the same. An evil witch who kills a good witch and steals their magic will become a warlock, and whilst most warlocks are evil witches, there are some warlocks who are born that way. An evil witch will generally use magic to afflict a good witch and steal their magic whilst warlocks will make use of their athames. 

Witches like the Halliwell sisters, Serena Frederick (Episode 1 "Something Wicca This Way Comes"),  Max Franklin (Episode 14 "Secrets and Guys") and Aviva (Episode 7 "The Fourth Sister") would be classified as magical. 

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These are mortals who know of the magical world but possess no innate magic themselves, although they are capable of casting spells, mediumship, potion-brewing and scrying. They just lack the magic to give those arts the necessary oomph. 

Their power has been gained through external study and research, remaining far more theoretical than that of their magical counterparts. They generally practice magic in a more religious fashion and frequently cast spells and use potions, herbs, crystals and incense in their rites, rituals and workings. 

Witch Practitioners are not immune to the effects of molecular immobilisation. 

Witches such as Tangela and Zoe (Episode 13 "From Fear to Eternity") would be classified as practitioners. 

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