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the evil ones 

Type:             demon

Origin:          The Underworld 

Leader:         The Source of All Evil

Details:          Immortal, magical beings associated with evil and darkness. Demons are the antithesis of all that is true and honourable. Their main objective is to destroy all that which is good, decent and noble in order to spread wickedness, pain and loss. 

In order to achieve this objective, demons will prey on The Innocent; those who help people, who do good things or who seek to spread love, trust and peace in the world. This predation will typically bring them into direct conflict with those forces of good charged with protecting the innocent, like witches and whitelighters. 

She-demons of Hecate

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She-demons of Hecate

She-demons of Hecate

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The Shadow

The Shadow

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Demons are mostly involved in the deception, manipulation or outright obliteration of good mortals. A good person can be caught in demonic crosshairs whenever they spread too much love, compassion or happiness wherever they go. Similar fates await a good person who helps, saves or changes too many lives for the better.

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