Melinda Warren

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progenitor of the Warren line of witches

Date of Birth:                     31 October, 1670; Virginia

Type:                                      witch 


i. Telekinesis —  able to move objects with her mind

ii. Molecular Immobilisation —  able to freeze time

iii. Premonition —  able to see the future 

Magic:        To summon Melinda Warren cast the Blood to Blood Spell


Melinda Warren is the ancestor of the Charmed Ones, and the first witch in their magical line who prophesied that her descendants would grow stronger with each generation, culminated in the arrival of three sisters who would be the most powerful witches in the world; The Charmed Ones.

Melinda Warren is the ancestor of the Charmed Ones, and the first witch in their magical line who prophesied that her descendants would grow stronger with each generation, culminated in the arrival of three sisters who would be the most powerful w...

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She was born to a mortal mother named Charlotte. At some point Melinda moved from Colonial Virginia to Salem and had a daughter named Prudence. She also created the Warren Book of Shadows which would grow in knowledge and power so that by the time it came to be in the possession of the Charmed Ones it would be the most powerful book of magic in the world. 

Melinda took a lover named Matthew Tate who unbeknownst to her was a deceitful warlock with power to copy a witch's powers

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Melinda took a lover named Matthew Tate who unbeknownst to her was a deceitful warlock with power to copy a witch's powers. Matthew managed to gain Melinda's trust so that he could copy her powers before outing her as a witch to the authorities. Melinda was stung by Matthew's betrayal but devised a shrewd plan to extract her revenge. 

Melinda was to be burned for her crime of witchcraft and when Matthew came to visit her in her cell she tricked him into opening her locket, the Pewter Heart. She immediately cursed Matthew into the locket for eternity whilst also restoring the powers he had copied from her.  The locket would remain closed ever onward unless one of Melinda's descendants ever opened it again, which would be Matthew's only hope of release. 

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