The Elders

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governors of the greater good

Type:                      whitelighter

Powers:                i. Orbing - able to teleport from place to place 

                                 ii. Remote Orbing - able to orb other beings from one place to another 

                                 iii. Photokinesis - able to create and manipulate light

                                 iv. Electrokinesis - able to project bolts of lightning from their hands 

                                 v. Forcefield Generation - able to create barriers of magical energy

                                 vi. Healing - able to heal wounds and injuries with a touch

                                 vii. Invisibility - able to become unseen to the naked eye

                                 viii. Portal Creation - open gateways to others dimensions or timelines

                                 ix. Power Granting/Stripping - able to bestow or revoke magic powers

                                 x. Hovering - able to levitate up or down 

                                 xi. Visions - able to see premonitions of the past, present or future

                                 xii. Sensing - magically sense or locate other beings  

Details:                 Powerful and wise, The Elders are a council of senior whitelighters who serve as the governing body for the forces of good. They are the leaders of the whitelighter community and they reside within the upper realm known as The Heavens

The Elders seek to maintain the greater good -- the underlying moral presence shared by all humanity -- in order to keep the world in perfect balance with the natural and supernatural elements that affect it. 

The Elders assign whitelighters to their respective charges, either good witches or future whitelighters, so they may guide and protect them from the influence of evil. The Elders impart knowledge, advice and caution to witches through their whitelighters. 

It is very rare for an Elder to appear on Earth, except when they seek to retire in which case they will come to Earth to pass on their powers to a new Elder before ceasing to be. Elders are not necessarily old and can be of any age and though most Elders were once whitelighters, it is also possible for ordinary mortals or supernaturals like witches or gypsies etc. to become Elders. 

Status:                   active 

Episode:               S1E14 "Secrets and Guys" (mentioned only)

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