Patty Halliwell

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mother of The Charmed Ones

Type:               Witch

Powers:         Molecular Immobilisation —  slow down molecules (appears as if time is frozen)

Details:           Patricia "Patty" Halliwell is the only child of Penelope Johnson and Allen Halliwell and after marrying Victor Bennett she became the mother of The Charmed Ones. Patty was an intelligent and resourceful witch, having been trained in spellcraft since childhood by her mother.

 Patty was an intelligent and resourceful witch, having been trained in spellcraft since childhood by her mother

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As with any good witch, Patty was assigned a whitelighter named Sam and they became very close. 

Patty met and fell in love with Victor Bennett, a mortal businessman. This didn't sit well with Penny as she wished to have a magical mate for her daughter. Nonetheless, Patty married Victor and together they had Prudence Halliwell, Piper Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell. 

Patty didn't disclose her magical background with Victor and so he was understandably shocked when his daughters began displaying supernatural powers. 

Once Patty had clued him in, he continued to struggle with accepting magic and often clashed with the girls' grandmother over whether to raise them as mortals or witches. This usually placed Patty in the middle, as she wanted both scenarios for her girls — raising them as witches but with normal lives.

Victor also didn't get along with Sam and was suspicious of the whitelighter's motives, accusing Sam of putting the moves on his wife. 

All of these factors put considerable strain on Patty's marriage and unfortunately it buckled under all the pressure, and she and Victor were separated when the girls were still very young. Penny moved back into the Manor to help raise them while Patty was at work as she had to pay the bills now all on her own. 

Patty began working as a waitress at Buddy's Diner and would come home late at night after her shift and kiss her daughters good night, smelling like burgers and fries. 

Patty was lonely and leant on Sam quite a bit emotionally

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Patty was lonely and leant on Sam quite a bit emotionally. She fell in love with Sam during this time and he revealed that he had always felt this way about Patty right from the moment they'd met. They began a relationship but were forced to keep it a secret, even from Penny, as love between witches and whitelighters was forbidden by The Elders. 

Not long after their separation, Patty and Victor managed to reconcile and he returned to his family. However, Patty could not ignore her love for Sam and she entered into an affair with him behind Victor's back. 

One of Victor's prized possessions was a videotape he had from Christmas Morning 1976 where he and Patty watched Little Prue and Piper as well as baby Phoebe open presents. 

This was one of the last times the family was truly happy together, as not too long after, Patty and Victor got divorced. All the magic and demons and Sam's constant involvement had become too much for Victor to bear. 

Patty never let her personal drama interfere with her work as a protector of the innocent and she was a formidable warrior against the forces of evil. Several entries in the BOS are hers and she had even formed a clever plan to vanquish a Water Demon that was killing people at the lake of Camp Skylark, her daughters' summer camp.   

Since it was composed entirely of water, Patty intended to vanquish the demon by separating its molecules using electric cables.  Sam was away looking after his other charges and Patty wrote to him, something she often did, warning him to stay away because she didn't want him to get hurt and that he shouldn't worry about her because she would never go up against any demon if she knew it meant she wouldn't be home in time for dinner to see her girls. 

Sam didn't listen and as Patty stood at the end of the pier on the lake, ready to face the demon, he came running down the embankment, calling for Patty to flee

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Sam didn't listen and as Patty stood at the end of the pier on the lake, ready to face the demon, he came running down the embankment, calling for Patty to flee. Momentarily distracted, Patty froze him so she could focus on her task, giving the demon time to sneak up behind her. Before Patty could react the demon washed over her, knocking her off her feet and drowning her from the inside! 

Patty died that day in 1978, and her final words were "I love you" to her eldest daughter Prue.    

Status:            Deceased

Episode:         S1E1   "That 70's Episode"

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