Chapter 1: An owl and two letters

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I rolled over in my bed, pulling the blanket above my head trying to block out the morning sun

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I rolled over in my bed, pulling the blanket above my head trying to block out the morning sun. The night before I had done just what my Mum and Aunty Tammy told both Danny and me not to do, stay up and have an all-night Star Wars movie marathon. But to our defence, both Dad and Uncle David were watching the movie with us. So, it's not like we were doing watching the movies in secret or anything. But I was starting to regret the decision of going to bed at 3 am as my room grew brighter with the morning light.

"Elsa, time to get up," my Mum told me, walking in to the room that used to be hers and opening the curtains.

"Just five more minutes," I begged, pulling a pillow over my head as well as the blanket.

"It's already 9:30, Elsa. I did tell you not to stay up all night, didn't I?" she asked, sitting down on the bed and moving the pillow so she could see my face.

"But Dad was watching it too!"

"And if your Dad jumped off a plane, would you as well. Wait, not don't answer that question," she laughed, pulling the blankets off me.

"And don't go back to sleep," she called out as she walked out of the room.

Sighing into my pillow, I cursed the me from yesterday for staying up so late and having a movie marathon. When I finally rolled out of bed, I slid on my pink cat slippers that my uncle Loki had given me and walked downstairs to the kitchen. My gran was behind the stove, making pancakes when I walked in. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wished her a good morning before sitting down at the counter.

"Late night, Honey?" she asked, placing a plate of pancakes down in front of me.

"Dad, Danny, Uncle David and I had a Star Wars movie marathon."

"Really? Another one. I'm gonna have to hide those movies from you, now aren't I," she joked with hands on her hip and holding back a laugh.

"I'm sure David has back up to his backups," my Dad said, walking in to the kitchen and kissing me on the head.

When I looked at him, I was happy to see that I wasn't the only one still in pjs. He still had on his white T-shirt and blue with red and white stars pj pants, that where a joke gift from Tony last Christmas. Tony said that they were Captain America themed pjs, therefore he had to have them. As he poured himself his morning coffee and sat down next to me, my Pa walked into the kitchen. He really didn't look old enough to be my Pa, which was kinda funny considering he was the same age as my Dad. His hair still had hints of blonde in it and he looked like he was only in his mid to late 60's even with all the time he spent in the sun working on the farm. He always joked that he must have Asgardian blood as well considering he didn't seem to age like others his age.

"You two still not dressed?" he asked, looking over at us.

"Only just got up Pa," I told him in between yawns.

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