Chapter 43: Part of the team

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"I'm sorry, but since when do we allow children onto the team? You might be happy letting your daughter join the Avengers, Rogers

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"I'm sorry, but since when do we allow children onto the team? You might be happy letting your daughter join the Avengers, Rogers. But I most certainly am not!" Tony yelled when I walked on to the quinjet in full uniform.

"Hey! I helped bring down Hydra in Washington! I think I have more than earned my spot on the team," I said, with my hands on my hips and staring Tony down.

"Nope, I'm sorry mini capsicle but you have to be this tall to join the Avengers," Tony told me, holding his hand just above my head indicating a height limit.

"I'm not a kid anymore and I have earned my spot on the team. I'm an Avenger whether you like it or not!" I yelled at Tony, shocking him.

"I said no. I am not allowing any kids on to the team and that's final," Tony said, glaring at me.

"You don't have the right to make that call, Tony. Elsa is my daughter and I, as well as Kimberly, feel she is more than ready for this. She held her own against Hydra and came out of the fight better than I did. So, you don't have any idea what you're talking when you say she's not ready," Dad snapped at him.

"I can't believe we are arguing about this! She's a kid! I mean, I'm not letting Cassy on the team!"

"Shut up, Tony," Nat said, making everybody stop talking without even having to raise her voice. "Elsa is more than ready to join the Avengers and if you have a problem with it, you're going to have to answer to me. Understand?"

"Perfectly," Tony squeaked, looking extremely scared of Nat before turning to the rest of the team. "You heard the lady! Let's go!"

Nat smiled at me as we walked on to the quinjet together and sending a smirk towards Tony when he looked back over his shoulder at me. When he saw the look on Nat's face, Tony's quickly looked back ahead of him again. No one said no to Nat, not if they wanted to live anyway.

"So, what do we know about this Strucker guy?" Clint asked as we all took our seats on the jet and Nat climbed into the pilot's seat.

"He was born in Germany and his parents were highly regarded by the heads of Hydra. He attended the Hydra's preparatory academy where he graduated with high scores. Along with Sitwell, von Strucker became a sleeper agent with in SHIELD which allowed him to gain access to Loki's scepter with the help of Rumlow. After SHIELD's fall, Strucker went underground and has only just resurfaced in Sokovia. If the rumors are true, he has been experimenting on humans which needs to stop. Now," Dad said as I swiped through the man's file on a Stark Tech tablet.

"It says that he has been enlisting teens from Sokovia. Is he really experimenting kids, that is just wrong on so many levels," Clint said in disgust, throwing his tablet on the seat beside him. 


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