Chapter 126: When it all falls apart

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Surprisingly no one walked out after Cassy and my little demo, instead they all looked excited about learning how to fight

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Surprisingly no one walked out after Cassy and my little demo, instead they all looked excited about learning how to fight. Cassy looked as shocked as I felt, we really thought that after watching us take out Hydra agent after Hydra agent they would be horrified not excited.

"Well, okay then," I said as I looked around the room. "I guess we will start training at the next meeting then."

"I think it's time to call it a night guys," Harry said, taking over from me to talk to the group. "So, same time next week then."

I went to help Cassy pack up the portable HARM room as everyone else started to leave the room. It never ceased to amaze me how Tony managed to make such high-tech machines so small, but it was a good thing that he did otherwise we wouldn't be able to do half the training that we did at the Avengers complex.

"That went a lot better that I thought it would," Cassy said as she put the HARM room in to her bag.

"I know, I really thought people would go running after watching us," I said, agreeing with her.

"I reckon that we give it a couple of training sessions and they will be running away like their lives depended on it," Cassy laughed.

"Elsa," Cedric called out as he started to walk over to Cassy and me. "I forgot, we're on prefect duty tonight."

"Damn, I forgot about that," I said, picking up my backpack. "Cass, I'll talk to you later and we can come up with a training plan."

"Sounds good, Spangles. Have fun prefecting."

With Umbridge around, prefect duty had become rather boring

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With Umbridge around, prefect duty had become rather boring. No one was game enough to try to sneak out after dark because they were sacred about what would happen to them if Umbridge had caught them. It had turned out that Harry, Cedric and me weren't the only ones who had suffered one of Umbridge's infamous detentions but not one person was game enough to tell their head teacher or Professor Dumbledore, not that he seemed to be around much lately.

"How much longer until we can go back to the common room?" I asked Cedric for what had to be the hundredth time as we walked the halls that connected the third-floor corridors.

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